...facts are incorrect about AA
acquiring TWA's assets!
**TWA was NOT liquidated as in a Chapter 7
Um...correct me if im wrong but twa was aquired by AMR out of bankrupcy liquidation. **When a company is mismanaged and fails there isnt much an employee can do but hang on for the descent into history. So although the original poster may or may not be be a American Flight Attendant, he/she didnt steal your job, your former CEO's put you there. Any good financial advisor would have told you to go back to school years ago (yes years, about the time Carl Icahn was around) and you wouldnt have been dumped on the street a la PAN AM EASTERN and a hoard of other companies that went under due to mismanagement and labor rules.
**TWA was NOT liquidated as in a Chapter 7. TWA's asset's were purchased by AMR, including all employees!