9 easy ways to make a flight attendant go insane
An anonymous airline crew
member lets rip on passengers' most annoying habits

Sure, she's smiling
now. But just wait till you try and go to the toilet when the seat belt light is
on. (File photo)I’ve been working for a well-known commercial
airline in Asia for a few years now. On a good day, it’s a five-star hotel in
Shanghai, shopping in Paris or winning a game of roulette in Las Vegas. On a bad
one, it’s emergency landings, 12-hour long delays and an endless stream of
obnoxious/annoying passengers.
Don’t let our svelte figures, exquisitely tailored uniforms and perfect
smiles fool you. You do not want to get on the bad side of the person who serves
you food, brings you drinks and keeps you safe when you’re stuck in a tin can
flying at 35,000 feet.
I’ve put together a list of the nine things that really get under a flight
attendant’s skin. Worst of all these crimes against aviation are so common sense
-- yet they happen on every single flight.
1. Adopt an 'I paid for my ticket so I can whine all I like' attitude
“My seat is too small.”
“The flight is delayed.”
“The coffee is too hot.”
“The tea tastes weird.“
"The airplane is ugly.”
Stop it right there! I’m sorry your bottom is too big for the seat. Next time
upgrade to first class.
And you know what? The plane is delayed because your fellow passenger
couldn’t decide which bottle of vodka he wanted to buy at the duty free shop, so
he was 30 minutes late to the gate.
Keep complaining and your next drink will be a gin and tonic stirred with a
high heel.
2. Play it like Nintendo

According to international regulations, one flight attendant is responsible
for up to 50 passengers. This means that, worst-case scenario, the cabin crew
could be giving someone CPR or delivering a baby while you or your precocious
little darling is jamming on that button.
Here’s my advice: just get up and walk to the nearest galley and ask for what
you need. Stretching your legs, getting up and walking around the cabin may even
help prevent complications such as blood clots, cold feet and the breakdown of
your skin.
3. Pretend you’re in a restaurant
“Today, we have beef steak with lemon grass and barbecue pork with Japanese
rice. Which would you prefer?” asks the beautiful flight attendant.
The man turns to her and says, “I’ll have fish. Do you have fish? I want
fish. I can’t eat anything else but fish.”
First of all, a galley on a plane is not a kitchen. We do not cook.
Here’s how to get your fish: send the request when your book your flight if
you wish to have a specific meal.
4. Ask unintelligent questions

Let’s imagine the whole row is asking these mundane questions, even though
they are sitting next to each other. After being asked by around 50-plus people,
I am eventually so depressed I just stop answering.
A passenger once even asked me if we had iPads on board. I was
5. Laugh and whisper
Talking behind someone’s back is rude. It’s even ruder to look at someone and
laugh in their face, and then whisper/giggle to the person beside you in your
own language.
Last time that happened, I accidentally parked a drink cart in front of the
restroom and trapped that funny man inside. Karma comes fast.
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6. Talk on the phone after the plane has left the gate

The fact is: communicating with the control tower is difficult enough. Pilots
aren’t sitting there chit chatting about fashion or pop stars. They are trying
to take off and not get struck by another plane that might be landing seconds
later, all while your phone’s signal is potentially interfering with
7. Be an irresponsible parent
A young mother once asked me put some
coffee creamer in her baby’s bottle. Really. For your information: formula can
be carried onto the plane with you.
Meanwhile, some parents assume flight attendants will happily babysit their
kids for them while they do something else, like nap or watch a movie.
That’s not in my job description. Not every flight attendant loves children.
Babysitting you is already hard enough.
8. Complain that your bags are too heavy

Suddenly, the bags are too heavy for you to put into the overhead compartment
by yourself.
Passengers don’t realize that flight attendants don’t get compensated for any
injuries that come of this common situation. The deal is: you brought it, shove
up there yourself or we throw it out the door and under the plane.
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9. Ignore the seat belt sign
“When the seat belt sign is on, please take your seat and fasten your seat
Pretty obvious, isn’t it?
Yet on every single flight there will be people getting up to go to the
washroom when the seat belt sign is on. This is somewhat understandable -- if
you’re about to wet your seat. Or worse.
And then there are the passengers who just want to walk around and talk to
When the sign is on during takeoff, landing or during turbulence, it’s very
dangerous to be wandering off. Your face could be smashed into the sink or
another passenger’s head.
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