Five Year Recall Rights must be extended to each and every airline employee!
The tragic events of 9/11 should not be used as an excuse to prevent employees from returning to the jobs they loved!
Please support Senate Bill S.1992 authored by Senator Claire McCaskill, D. Mo
Five year recall rights must be extended to ALL furloughees!

1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»When American Airlines purchased the assets of Trans World Airlines in April 2001, most TWA employees were thrilled to have a future with a more stable airline.
As a condition of the transaction, the Flight Attendants Union, the IAM, gave up their SCOPE clause which basically gave the TWA Flight Attendants security in the event of an acquisition by another carrier.
American Airlines made assurances to Missouri State and local officials that its cutbacks would not disproportionately affect American employees in Missouri.
However, because of the way Union for Flight Attendants at AA, APFA, seniority issues were settled after American bought Trans World Airlines, ex-TWA pilots and Flight Attendants faced the brunt of the layoffs in their employee groups.
All former TWA flight attendants, some with 40 plus years of seniority, were be laid off as a result of American's announcement to reduce flights and staff. As of July 2003, all TWA Flight Attendants were laid off, gone, vanished, with nothing...I repeat, nothing.
(The former TWA Flight Attendants now working for American in 2001, went to the bottom of their seniority lists. That means they began accummulating seniority for American in April 2001, which would put their status below most American employees. Talk about shafting employees!)
On the other hand, ex-TWA mechanics, stock clerks and fleet service workers who worked in Kansas City and St. Louis were allowed to keep their seniority at TWA because of an arbitrator's ruling.
The ex TWA flight attendants are continuing to fight for their seniority rights through numerous lawsuits.
APFA, the Union at American, if you can call it a real Union, stapled all TWA F/As to the bottom of the seniority list. Fair and equitable...I don't think so, not by anyone's standards!
Keep those stories coming in!
"Two great airlines, one great future..." Hogwash. TWA was purchased in order to put a low cost competitor out of business. TWA employees were promised fair and equitable treatment; Wrongo.
AA has given the pilots unlimited recall rights but APFA has worked with them to shaft the flight attendants who used to be TWA. The TWA 7 year recall rights disapeared in to history. AA seems to be doing everything it can to keep from hiring until after July 2008 (when all TWA people drop off the list) and APFA seems to be helping them along. I was just under 50 years old so if they don't recall me I will lose that teeny weeny pension I would have received not to mention the medical, dental and passes that would have come with it. APFA doesn't even seem to realise that they set a precedent and they can be "purchased" and become a subsidiary and then be placed on the bottom when too many of them get close to retirement. APFA used our twa planes and routes to keep their most junior flight attendants flying (some who had virtually only days of employment and the majority under 2 years). It was cheaper for AA and expediant for APFA and devastating to the people who had put in years with TWA.
They never offered a voluntary furlough to AA flight attendants to help keep TWA people flying. AA is the only major airline which doesn't allow pass priviledges to furloughed employees. The other majors used voluntary furloughs to protect their employees. All the other majors have brought all their involuntary and most of their voluntary furloughs back. Even Delta and NW (both in bankruptcy) allow their furloughees passes and benefits. Continental's execs cut their bonuses and pay in order to keep their employees working after Sept 11th. AA execs used Sep 11th as an excuse to get rid of the TWA employees and keep the newer cheaper employees they had just hired. Then they gave themselves a huge bonus, put millions in their retirement accounts to protect it in case of bankruptcy and patted themselves on the back for getting away with it. Shame on AA for using every means it can find to avoid hiring anyone on the list who used to be TWA and shame on APFA for helping them by agreeing to "help out the company" with letters of agreement. The least APFA could do before cooperating is require an extension of recall rights.
APFA should have a greek letter as its logo because its a sorority, not a labor union. That is proven by its treatment of the TWA Flight Attendants!
And AA should have a vulture as its logo instead of an eagle. That is proven by its UNamerican treatment of all the TWA employees!
Nothing APFU does would surprise me. No morals, no nothing!
Does anyone remember Ozark Airlines,...?
How many flight attendants from that airline lose their jobs when TWA bought them,...? (answer = 0)
How much seniority did those F/A's loose on that transaction,...? (answer = 0)
We treated them fairly and with dignity because they deserved it as workers and more importantly as people,... with lives, families, homes and bills,...
A/A's F/A's Union (a "We Protect Some of Us" union) had no sense what so ever in that theory,... that we are just regular people like everyone else you see on the streets and at the grocery store,... We have lives, families, homes , and bills,... We also have experience with our many years on the job. And, we brought "Worth" to A/A (as Ozark did for us) in the form of planes, gates, a work force and routes,... They gained a lot by getting us,... They lost a low cost competitor and they gained much needed gates and routes and planes,... They kept only what the wanted and threw the rest to the curb with out even blinking an eye,... Yes, the Union (both of them) screwed us,... and the company gave us our pay and vacation,... but it's the company in my eye's who should have stepped in and said,... "this isn't right, come up with a fair way to combine the list,... at least let the TWA union sit at the table during the negotiations" I don't think it was the job of the F/A's at American to do this,... (sorry Bruce,...)
The future doesn't look bright either,... How can all the other airlines (except Delta) even the ones in trouble, be back to full speed with all the F/A's called back and in some cases are hiring more,...? and A/A has still got some 5000 F/A's out on furlough,...?
Are they at A/A that ruthless that they would attempt to have us shut out of the future there,...? Could anyone run a business that way,... ?
God help us,...
We had our careers stomped on and mashed flatter than a pancake,...
If you look back in history, you will find that Pan Am got some seniority with Delta, PSA and Piedmont got ALL seniority with USAir, AirCal got seniority with AA, and the list goes on. It is only Reno and TWA that got stapled to the bottom of the seniority list and this is after promises of "Fair and equitable treatment" promised before Congress in order for the purchase to go through.
How can this have happened? Was there a deal in place even before 2001?
I think it is a travesty that there is no recourse to assist the hard working people who have worked for over 20 years to end up with zip.
AA and their flight attendant union
collaborated on this scheme that would eventually rid them of all of us. Afterall, AA management signed the "agreement" that effectively stapled all of us to the bottom of their seniority list.
If they had just offered to blend us in at a ratio of say 1 year for
every 5 at TWA, then most of us would still have our jobs.
It is obvious that their current plan is to keep us out until all
recall rights expire. Lying before Congress and paying off the right politicians has served AA well. Sure we're pissed!
"There would not have been a staple job but for the totally naive and unpardonable waiver of the Allegheny-Mohawk labor protections provisions of the TWA flight attendant contract in return an for unenforceable empty promise. That was the doing of Cooper and the IAM; they should be held accountable for that grossly incompetent deed."
Your point is taken and duly noted. HOWEVER, it was the APFA that took gross advantage of the waiver and then exploited the bad situation that the former TWA F/As found themselves in. The full blame should be placed on the APFA for their ruthless and greedy actions against the TWAers. The APFA is a disgrace to the American labor movement.
Not quite sure what this blog is about .
I worked for TWA and and am as sad about the end of TWA as I am about as sad at the actions of those who to this day blame AA and the FA union for TWA woes.
Lets recall some facts.
We owned , at one stage, 45 percent of TWA .
We went in to bankruptcy , not once, not twice, but three times.
We didnt make any profit for twelve years.
We failed ourselves and each other by not standing up to be counted when it mattered most. We became complacent and full of ourselves when our airline was on its deathbed for the third time.
Our third trip in to bankruptcy should never have happened. In 1998 every other airline posted a profit, we didnt , we lost money.
We have always blamed someone else for our problems when, if we are honest, we didnt have the guts to stand up and fight when the time came.
We all need to move on and stop blaming AA, the unions, the Govt, Carty, Icahn and anyone else we can think of in our sad attempts to shift the blame to someone else.
We all had the power at one time to change things, but like the spoilt child of the family we always thought someone else would come along and fix everything for us.
TWA should have been allowed to pass peacefully with its dignity intact, I am sure its spirit is turning in its grave at the actions of some of those it left behind.
Funny (not really), but when I got my letter telling me my furlough date would be April 1, 2003, I had to explain it to my children. After I was finished, my son looked up at the tears in my eyes and sweetly said "mommy, do you think it's an April Fool's joke?" All I could do was hug him and say "I wish it was, buddy, I wish it was."
What a bunch of crAAp. Remember all the media hype here in STL with the two airplanes meeting nose to nose on the tarmac? AA was quoted as saying something about the TWA Employees were the "greatest assets" to be acquired, and that we would be given "fair and equitable" seniority. AA is one of the biggest liars in the corporate world, and APFA is no union. Real unions wouldn't do what they did. I'm sick of people telling us to "get over it." Let them try telling our families to "get over it" when we can't pay the mortgage, or put food on the table. Or how about the mom who goes without important heart medication so her kids can eat. She'll "get over it" by having a heart attack without AA ever giving a rats a**. They need to "get over" the lies that have been told to them by the "powers" that be at AA. What a shame that the truth still hasn't been told. But wait, APFA and AA, it will, and it's not going to be pretty. The treatment of the TWA Flight Attendants is nothing short of despicable and the public should be aware. We are a force unlike anything most have seen. I can't wait to see this explode in the faces of AMR and APFA
I have always made my mortgage payments, I get medical treatment through my health insurance with my new employer. My pay check puts food on the table.
"we are a force unlike anything most have seen" ....then why are you where you are today ?
I took any job I could get my hands on to make ends meet to provide for my family, it wasnt hard and we live a very comfortable life style now. If we are such a force then why couldnt we all do it ?
People need to stop sitting around whining and do something constructive rather than waiting for someone else to put things right (again).
Bottom line, is we HAD jobs until APFA intentionally disposed of us!
to Crosschecked:
I also took any job I could get my hands on. I did whatever it took, and still do. Many people, however, have struggled. Families have fallen apart because of what happened. Many families had both husband and wife working for the company and lost more than their fair share. That's great that you're making it. Bravo! What do you want, a medal? All we at TWA ever wanted was to be treated fairly, and that did not happen. We were lied to, and in the end cheated out of careers that should have been secure. We're not WHINING, we are still seeking justice in the end. Get over yourself, and try to understand what AA and APFA have done to destroy many lives.
In retrospect, I thought I would look back at some notes to add my 2 cents:
January, 2001- Bill Compton, former Pres of TWA contacted the TW BOD with a 'deal' after meeting with AA-he stated:
(1) That all TWA retirees would be protected;
(2) That TWA unionized employees would be guaranteed jobs and greater
job security; and
(3) That TWA employees would receive greater pay and benefits.
Compton said, TWA employees would be better off through the
agreement he had reached with AA. Yet, there was
a 'catch'. Although American and TWA had struggled
to come up with a straight merger transaction, TW would have
to file for bankruptcy for one reason -Carl Icahn.
As many of you may recall, Carl Icahn had
been prior owner of Trans World Airlines. In negotiating his
departure in 1994, TWA had been required to enter into a series of
ticket arrangements under which Mr. Icahn had been allowed to sell
deeply discounted TWA tickets through a corporation he owned known
as "Karabu." Mr. Compton said that the only way that American
could see fit to do the deal was to take Karabu "out" through
bankruptcy. And so, the TWA BOD met the following
week to hammer out the terms of the deal with AA. That gave birth to the biggest myth of all – that American Airlines saved
TWA in bankruptcy.
The Asset Purchase
Agreement guaranteed that all unionized employees would be employed
by AA. Because of the well-known problems that had
surfaced with the Reno acquisition, AA announced that
it would take its time to ensure a smooth and orderly transition.
Mr. Carty, then CEO of American Airlines, promised that the TWA
employees would receive the same "benefits" that the American
Airlines employees received. Our union contracts would need to be
modified to "mirror" those contracts of the American employees.
Because American flight attendants did not have Allegheny-Mohawk
Labor Protective Provisions, our contract would have to be modified
to match theirs. Importantly, both AA and TWA
management insisted that all seniority integration issues would
necessarily be worked out between the Unions. It was agreed that the
Unions to ultimately work out how the seniority would be
integrated. American Airlines agreed to hire an independent
facilitator to arrange meetings between the Unions and use it best
efforts on behalf of the TWA employees. It promised that there
would be a "fair and equitable" process and that it would adopt
the "process" that came out of the facilitated talks.
The American Flight Attendants at the time, numbered in excess of 22,000
employees. By contrast, TWA Flight Attendants totaled approximately
4,200 individuals. The merger of a small group of senior Flight
Attendants would have relatively little impact on the overall picture
because most flew out of St. Louis, MO – a non American Airlines
base. The balance flew out of New York. Unlike other carriers who
went out of business whose employees then sought employment at other
airlines, this would be an orderly transaction because the TWA
employees were coming to the acquisition with planes, routes, airport
slots, reservation and maintenance facilities, and the prized St.
Louis hub.
It is well chronicled that Don Carty and AA touted the
TWA purchase as a great acquisition in the Hearings required to move forward. In a powerpoint presentation
to its own BOD, American management stated that
it acquired TWA for far less than it was worth. In his own words,
Mr. Carty stated that "American gains many great assets from TWA, but
none as important as its talented team of employees." Quite
clearly, the team of employees were highly trained and experienced
Instead of holding talks for the two Unions – the Association of
Professional Flight Attendants(APFA) and the IAM – AA engaged in secret talks with APFA. It negotiated an agreement with
APFA that all TWA Flight Attendants would be stapled to the bottom of
the APFA seniority list. American broke its written agreement with
the TWA Flight Attendants. At the same time, APFA had agreed that
it would allow those former TWA Flight Attendants based in New York
and in St. Louis that they would receive some job protection in the
form of a fence. In other words, we would retain our combined TWA
and AA seniority as long as we remained in our two (2) hubs. We
would be allowed some sort of job protection in those bases. By
contrast, when TWA purchased Ozark, all former Ozark Flight
Attendants received full seniority. Even APFA, when American
Airlines acquired both Air Cal and Trans Caribbean, agreed that those
Flight Attendants retain credit for their years of service at those
In the aftermath of September 11, AA decided to
shut down the New York TWA operation. It transferred the former TWA
New York flights to more junior AA Flight Attendants. American
Airlines gave New York Flight Attendants two (2) options: They
could be furloughed to the streets without a paycheck or accept a
transfer to the remaining TWA base in St. Louis. Many of our former
New York Flight Attendants elected to transfer to St. Louis. After
all, we would retain job security as long as TWA, LLC flights
continued to operate out of St. Louis. We were wrong.-------- American
and APFA first violated its own agreement by transferring St. Louis
International flights to more junior American Flight Attendants.
They determined that all remaining TWA, LLC Flight
Attendants – all with more than 27 years of seniority – be
furloughed effective July 2, 2003. Eighteen hundred (1800) Flight
Attendants with seniority totaling more than fifty thousand (50,000)
years of service to the airline industry LOST their jobs. They joined the 2,400 TWA Flight Attendants who were previously furloughed. At the same
time, American Flight Attendants with less than three (3) years
seniority flew all TWA, LLC aircraft out of St. Louis.
What make it even worse is that both AA and APFA agreed as
part of their recent concessionary agreement that the scheduled July
2nd furloughees would be laid off with no severance pay. In addition, for the first time in AA
history, employees losing their jobs lost the Company-paid medical
benefits! Instead of providing 90 days of medical coverage,
AA only provided 30 days of coverage! This led many TWAers into personal and financial ruin after years of service in a job that they loved. A lifetime in the airline industry taken away from them because APFA/AA had the power to do so. What a travesty!
At the same time,
American admitted that it was funding pension plans for 45 of its top
executives. It had also approved "retention" bonuses for its senior
executives – however – due to the public outcry, it has abandoned
the retention bonus program. Don Carty was expelled by the AA BOD for these action yet the media reported "Carty Resigned." LOL .
The truth is, he left in
disgrace due to his failure to be honest with employees about senior
executive pay packages and incentives.
One also must ponder APFA's collusion with AA to ensure the innialation of TWAers ever stepping foot on AA property - it is quite apparent that APFA continues to sign letters of agreement with AA holding off any chance of recall for the 4000+ plus APFA members (former TWA) on furlough. The first group of furloughee's will fall off of the recall list (5 year recall window) in October 2006 which is coming soon.
APFA has shown no true effort in securing extended recall rights, passes for the furloughed and the latest is that some APFA (so called) 'union' members want to take away the furloughee's right to vote in any future elections!
APFA & AA should hold their heads in shame for destroying the careers of 4000 dedicated employees that were once known as "TWA's Finest" and would have been a great asset to AA along with our aircraft, maintenence bases, and routes which they now enjoy while we (Former TW) are on the street.
My personal story?
I flew for TWA out of JFK since 1977-at this time, I would have had 29 years seniority. My husband & I have a 16 yr old son who planned to attend college after high school graduation in 2 yrs. - It doesnt appear that financially we will be able to carry our son's dream for his future.
My personal story pales in comparison to what other TWA collegues have endured at the hands of AA and APFA. If AA were purchased by another carrier, I wonder how the company & APFA would feel ? Never say never. It could happen to you, too.
Just my two cents.
Corporate greed at it's finest.
One of the saddest representations of their lack of compassion was shown to the last group furloughed. After 30 years of wearing a uniform I was proud of, I was discarded without one single day of severance pay. Severance pay is typically given to employees who are dismissed through no fault of their own, usually based on length of time employed.
This last group would be where severance pay was needed most. Many were of an age where it is difficult to find employment. And most did not have a work wardrobe since we had been in a uniform for 30 years. Severance pay would have helped with health insurance costs,a house payment, food, etc.
Amazingly, it was a gross slide of hand. As we (TWA) paid our mandatory union dues to the APFA, it was the APFA union who not only gave away the severance pay, but suggested it to the company and put it on the table! (heavy sigh for labor)
There are a lot of creepy people in this story but wishing that your fellow employees be dropped off the seniority list is one of the the most disgusting. I checked out your so-called website and it appears that you think an awful lot of your self and would like people to think you are a professional in some form or other. Guess what. Karma is the real deal dude.
Yeah, lots of affiliations with educational institutions. But no degrees? A little misleading??? Good luck. Anyone who would wish harm on another human is fairly sub-human themselves.
Many of us survived Carl Icahn, bankruptcies and a hell of a lot more at TWA through the years, especially about 65% worth of pay cuts and a 40 to 1 reverse split of the stock we received for the some of the paycuts. (that means for every 40 shares you had of stock, you now had 1...nice)
We may be tired, beaten and weary but, I for one, refuse to let a "union" APFA, treat its members like dirt.
APFA Association of Professional Flight Attendants..or should I say Association of unethical liars, backstabbers, crooks, vote changers...you get the message and now the bloggers out in blogging land do as well.
Can we have a few thoughts on one John Ward? A despicable character straight out of a cartoon strip. Hateful, spiteful, powerhungry, delusional, and just plain nasty. Arrogant to the extreme until we kicked his ass out office. We may have voted for the least of two evils but I will never regret voting that jerk back to flying trips that I hope are the rotten of the rotten.
I watch in disbelief as the lives of so many devoted, caring individuals lose their last chance t o hold on to a career they have worked tirelessly to maintain over the years. TWA flight attendants weren't perfect! But we did the best we could with what was before us through the years only to be raped and lied to by this wolf in sheeps clothing which is the American Airlines Flight Attendant Union known as APFA. Now we have nothing...no further pensions, no income, no passes...nothing, thanks for lying to us APFA, thanks for flushing what would have helped to make your company a better place to be instead of what it currently is...the "Enron of Airlines"!
Jay Narey said one thing that made sense to me,... (even though I don't agree with the first sentence, the rest makes sense)
"it was NOT APFA that caused your job losses and furloughs. The cause of that was the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11/01 which no one could have
foreseen as decimating the entire industry at the time of acquisition.
So blame Al Qaeda...but do NOT blame APFA for something that was beyond their
This should be our fodder (if that's the right word,..) our ammo, our biggest tool in trying to gain the unlimited recall rights we need and deserve after such a national disaster and tragedy,... Never before in this countries history have we been invaded and suffered both loss of life and allowed it to spiral into loss of jobs and careers,...
The pilots got it why not us,...
It's called a special situation,...
How can I write to Jay Narey,...?
Let me know at,...
But I don't know how to do it.
9/11 WAS responsible for the loss of jobs for a lot of people in this country. But the reason we are on the street is because of an under the table deal between American Airlines and APFA to put 4000 Flight Attendants at the bottom of the seniority list thus making those 4000 bear the load. That load should, by rights, have been shared by ALL members of the AA F/A work force. We were PROMISED in front of Congress to be given FAIR and Equitable treatment by AA. To make an underhanded deal that caused 4000 innocent people to lose their lively hoods is despicable and I firmly believe what goes around comes around.
The fact that Jay Narey is an elected union official says volumes about the attitude at AA. If the current "unionism" is really another monkier for "just for me", they should expire. I do believe the IAM has had the pompus belief from the conception of the merger that they would take over the independent AA union. They are continuing that tact and the fact that 4,000 employees and former dues-paying members are on the street is small change in relation to the 22,000 work-force they would gain. The TWA flight attendants are mere pawns on this checkerboard of "unionism"
The only hope left for so many is APFA and AA to lift the 5 year limitation on recall rights.
Seniority, back pay, furlough pay, just fair treatment are all but gone. The only hope for many is unlimited recall rights.
If anyone at AA wants to say something to our benefit and get the attention of APFA - this would be the logical choice.
They need us to relieve their dwindling numbers.
If AA were to give us unlimited recall rights - my guess is that the very next day AA would begin recall.
The best argument is that AA F/A's will continue to work understaffed for a minimum of two more years unless recall restrictions are lifted. They have everything to gain and many of us need the job.
You are correct, let's see how the active crews react...they should be screaming for relief by the Holidays!
Re: John Ward, the AA APFA President, at the time of acquisition was adamatly opposed to any third-party/neutral arbitration as witnessed in this hotline message. Obviously, he felt that stapling TWA employee's was far more important than improving airline security. Here is Ward's hotline message on Sunday, Sept 30, 2001:
This is APFA President John Ward, with a special hotline update.
APFA is aware that Missouri Senator Kit Bond is seeking federal
legislation that would require third-party arbitration to decide the
seniority issues relating to the TWA integration. The Senate Commerce
Committee, which has oversight of the U.S. domestic airline industry,
is expected to take up consideration of a bill to improve airline
security, and Bond is attempting to have this added as an amendment.
It is very important that all APFA members call, fax or e-mail their
Senators immediately, letting them know we are opposed to any such
amendment to any airline security bill.
Please consult the APFA web site at www.apfa.org for more
information, including sample letters. The page is under construction
and more information will soon be included on the site.
Amazing, but there you have it! Narey's words come back to bite him in his ass!
To Anonymous who posted above-glad to see your post....welcome! How much influence does Narey have over the IDF flyers? He portrays much hatred towards the TWAers in his history of being a staunch JWard mouthpiece and supporter. Why do the 'younger, clueless and junior crews' have a problem with TWA recall rights being extended? Our recall would give them a boost in seniority...
The former TWers are well aware of your short staffing and being worked to a frazzle. I would hope that fellow APFA members demand the National Officers at APFA to recall NOW to give relief to the flight attendants who have been working with minimum (FAA req)staffing.
With sincere thanks for your post.
Why would American Airlines want to have the former TWA flight attendants working on its airplanes if the leave the impression that they will be fighting the nAAtives in the aisles if and when they are recalled?
Why am I so cynical regarding the remark that it's only the junior folks at AA that have a problem with a TWA recall. That doesn't ring true to me.
There is something insincere about a statement that basically says:
"Oh, I really have no problem with you. As a matter of fact, some of my best friends are....(fill in the blank, in this case TWA furloughees)...it's her/him (pointing at someone else) that's the problem."
It's always easy to have someone else do your dirty work.
The fact remains - APFA and the American Flight Attendants have actively worked AGAINST members of their own union - Mr. Narey is a jerk, no question, but he's just the tip of the iceberg.
I clearly remember running into a Delta crew in Spain back in the early 90's. When they asked who we were (I guess they had their little noses so high in the air that they couldn't recognize anyone but themselves), and when we told them, they laughed derisively and one of them said:
"Oh for God's sake - haven't y'all died YET????".
Funny how things go around. My guess is that young lady is worrying about her job. Hmmmmmm....AA flight attendants would do well to remember that what goes around, comes around, but I don't hold much faith in that.
The former TWA f/as would welcome a recall, and while in the aisles working along with the nAAtives, professionalism would be first and foremost to our passengers onboard.
I believe that if we shared stories that we would enjoy the commarderie, and at times agree to disagree. A healthy exchange of ideas and sharing our TWA/AA experience would be beneficial to us all.
APFA and AA should agree to extend recall beyond 5 years - I hope active APFA members will push for a recall...soon. It is a win-win for all of us.
From NEWAPFA member again,
I have been here awhile and my point is that the newer younger people flying have no idea about what a union is supposed to do for its members. They think like kids.
They also have no idea that a recall might take them off reserve. Duh! They are just from a different generation if you know where I am coming from.
A good majority of us know APFA has no idea about life out in Arpeyland. We just hope this rumor about APFA merging with another union will help everyone and rid us of the clique of control freaks who call themselves our elected representatives.
I just do my trips and wish the best for everyone. Never imagined this atmosphere when I was hired. You had to be qualified for this job. Now you just have to be breathing.
Good luck to you all. Hang in there.
Please ALL (even the new and old APFAer's) go read my new blog at,...
It has to deal with the 9/11 aspect of this whole tragety.
Share it with those in the know,...
I'm not trying to compete with Steve's great job here,... Just offering another avenue for us to take along with this one,...
Here is my blog story,... (below)
but please go here,...
to leave a comment,...
My point is this,...
By the APFA (American Airlines Flight Attendant Union) not extending unlimited recall rights to the furloughed flight attendants after the 9/11 attacks,... They are effectively giving the terrorist another victory from those very attacks,... It's shameful.
The furloughed pilots were given these unlimited recall rights under a "Special Situation" as I understand it.
9/11 was indeed a "special Situation"
And giving the terrorist any victory is a horrible situation. Why would any major company or union want to be tied to that?
My story is,...
My name is John Linneman, most of my friends know me as "Scuba". This is an old nic name from my childhood. I reside in St. Louis Missouri.
I flew for TWA and American Airlines as a flight attendant for a total of 18 years. 16 with TWA and 2 with A/A. I was laid off a few years after the 9/11 attacks that devastated our country.
My beliefs are,...
Many lives were lost and many were destroyed by those horrible events that took place that day.
I believe it is everyone of our duties to fight terrorism in any and every way. Any victory the terrorist get from an attack fuels their want and need to attack again. Loss of life, injury, lost revenue, businesses closing, jobs lost, and basically any hurt they can put on the societies they attack is the goal of terrorist. If they get none of these or if we can minimize these effects we have in a sense minimized their attack on us. Our leaders said it best after the Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks,..."lets pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get back to living and working and show them they had little effect on us,..."
To do this I feel it is very important for us to show them that we are all right,... we lost life, but not at all what they intended upon us losing thanks to the heroic efforts of the New York and Washington D.C. Police and Firemen, and of course those on flight #93. We need to be able to say,... "we stood up to your attacks and we are still standing,..."
We lost some businesses and some revenue and some jobs but not at all the number of which they would have wanted us to loose from these attacks. I'm sure they have a score board for these attacks, lets not let them fill in any more spaces.
In a few short years my 5 year recall rights will run out. At that point my name goes off the list of potential employee's to be recalled to American Airlines and on a list of permanent victims of the 9/11 attacks. If anyone doesn't think losing ones career of 18 years does not make me a victim, well then you haven't talked to this group, we do feel victimized.
The worst part is it can all be changed by the APFA with a change in their policy and wording that has already been done for one group in this same situation, our pilots. Their union recognizes them as valued employee's and victims of a "Special Situation". Having extended their recall rights to unlimited means they will all have a chance to return to their jobs held before 9/11. Take that victory away from the terrorist, they didn't cause major job loss there.
The APFA can take another victory away from the terrorist. Why wouldn't anyone or group want a chance at that.
This is not a TWA vs A/A thing. There are many flight attendants both in front of and behind the TWAer's who were hired by A/A, their numbers count too. I pray for us all to get back to out jobs someday and we can say to the terrorist,... "yeah, we were hurt, we worked other jobs, we budgeted, but we're back, you didn't take my career away from me,..."
Our needs are,...
Are their any "Victims of 9/11" groups out there,...?
Any government agencies that look into this kind of thing,...?
Any idea's on ways we can put pressure on those in charge at both American Airlines and the APFA to help this cause,...?
Speak up,... America needs you,...
Thank you,...
John Linneman
To NEWAPFA member,
Why is it that many of the APFA members are so apathetic to the current state of APFA/AA? Seems like there is alot of complaining ('galley bitchfests', if you will-lol) among the flight attendants but very few take the time/interest in organizing committees to demand change. I can only guess that with the RPA (concessions)that the active members are too worn and weary to take a stand or get involved.
what a self serving, comment. shame on you, and your incredible selfish attitude.this is unbelievable.wishing people away won't happen. and someday it will come back to you personally, mr. narey.i don't believe you have an ounce of empathy in your bones.ego maniac more likely.
For what it's worth, you guys have lots of support within the airline community. That's not saying much but our hearts are with you.
What the AA f/a "union" did to you is unbelievably sad and wrong.
Hang in there!
Thanks for that. To know that people outside of our ranks understand our anguish makes things a little bit better. A lot better actually. It's been a long haul with no end in site. Some have moved on, and some wait for another chance to be an F/A. To show the professionalism that they have mastered in the many years of air travel. With a little luck those who want to return will get the chance.
To have a STRONG union it must be a united union! It must fight for the rights of ALL those under their concern. As a group, as a whole, the Union must represent all. The Union leaders are duty bound to fairly serve all. Without this commitment our bond is weakened,our strength is dissipated, and our union has failed us. The great APFA has let fear rule them. They are so afraid of a small group of F/A's becoming part of their union that they have lost all focus of their jobs and their duty. The TWA F/A's are small in number but extreamly savvy when it comes to union activism. They understand what it means to be a union and to fight for the good of the whole. The APFA leadership(?) is more afraid of losing their union jobs than doing their union jobs! To make gains in contract negotiations you need leaders who are focused on the job at hand, not wasting time trying to exterminate some of their best warriors.
To the anonymous poster above:
Mr. Narey is the Base Council Representative-DFW-International for Government Affairs for the APFA.
Perhaps APFA would like to give some sort of explanation to their lack of representation to the FORMER TWA Flight Attendants at this point. I hate bashing. But I think that when a person is paying money to be represented he or she should be given answers to legitimate questions. Why, APFA, have you done nothing to secure unlimited recall rights for ALL APFA F/A's currently on the street?
At US we got unlimited recall rights and passes. This apfa sounds more like a club than a union, and they dont want you guys to play with them. They might have to share their toys.
JA/Ay Narey said,...
"it appears all those hired AFTER
the TWA Acquisition Date (Apr. 10, 2001 ?)
will lose their recall rights this November.
Some 1500 people. (850 AAers and 600 TWA folks)
Then an additional 300-400 TWA folks furloughed
in January 2002, will lose their recall in Jan.2007.
This STILL leaves appx. 2000 TWA folks still
"on property" and still "on the recall list."
My question is when were the MAJORITY of the
TWA people furloughed ???
THAT is the crucial date that all of us need to
be concerned with here.
Only after a majority of the TWA people are no
longer eligible for recall, can we rest easy."
Sounds like he and his union are willing to sacrifice some of there own while letting us fall off the recall list too,...
There are A/A natives on both sides of us on the recall lst right,...
Didn't some of them go out with our last furlough,...?
Let's hear from some of them,...
ruthless bastards,...
Here is another post by Narey in response to a post by a fellow nAAtive AA f/a. I hope that Northwest and other airlines f/a's join this blog to read Narey's statements regarding future acquisions or mergers. Read on:
Opinion by anonymous poster: AMR and Northwest Airlines: Executives at American Airlines parent
AMR have no desire to jump into the merger game, given the carrier's
disastrous merger with TWA, which it purchased and liquidated. The
experience was a major blow to the egos of American Airlines
management and workers, many of whom (i.e., TWA employees) lost their jobs.
But if Continental and United threaten to merge, the landscape could
be so altered that American would have no choice but to rethink its
position. Despite Northwest's thorny labor problems, the carrier
brings a prize that American covets: routes to the Far East.
So far, American has had to expend considerable effort to build those
routes itself.
Jay Narey's response:
This is an accurate statement in my opinion.
I love the comment about the DISASTROUS merger with TWA.
It's also no secret AMR wants Asian routes...that's where
the "future" is.
However, we need to gain more "control" over any mergers
or acquisitions. Any such arrangement must be financially
beneficial to American....in other worlds INCREASE POSITIVE
CASH FLOW. If it doesn't do this....APFA should be adamant
about opposing any such development.
Furthermore, we might be confronted with a slightly different
scenario than with TWA. Rather than an "acquisition" we might
be facing a "merger" of two solvent carriers.
(Northwest may go through Bankruptcy and re-emerge if able to
secure exit financing....it would be nice if we could "acquire"
these routes while they are IN bankruptcy...but that's not a
likely scenario ...because we frankly don't have the Money to
purchase the routes...let alone hard assets.)
We need to make sure that AA "native" seniority is fully protected
in any such "merger" as well as in an "acquisition."
I'd like to see the airlines "reregulated" or "nationalized"...
but that's not going to happen as long as we have a Republican
Government....so consolidation is likely.
Let's make da*n sure that any such development benefits our
members FIRST.
That does not mean sitting back and watching to see what
the APA (pilots) do first...and then copying them.
Jay Narey
Why not place it yourself? It is easy and very user friendly.
I agree. Go for it!
Jay Narey is vermon at AA.
APFA never did anything for the TWA flight attendants even though we paid union dues and were good strong union people. we made sure we voted!
Instead of being seen as an asset we have been kicked to the curb.
I am married and also have started a career with another company so I am one of the lucky ones.
Losing a job after having it for many years is very traumatic. It has caused unbelievable stress which has brought on illness, suicides and hopelessness.
It is amazing to me that APFA and most of it's union members could be so uncaring and selfish. A union takes care of all it's people -not just a select few.
It was amusing to me that APFA sent words of support to the flight attendants at NWA in their struggle but could care less of the 4000 AA furoughs, mostly the stapled TWA flight attendants. It is a very sad situation. I have been a union member in good standing for many years and have never seen a union and it's members act like this.
Shame on you!
Thought provoking post. I am from Eastern and we all got the shaft and no one cared either about us.
This is something I wish we had when we were without jobs. The public wants cheap tickets at the expense of the employees.
Keep up your fight and I will send this blog out to all my EAL friends. Good Luck to you all. Stay together and united. That is the key!
To the former EAL poster above~ Two of my best friends (20 years) are former EAL-great airline, wonderful employees with a true understanding of Unionism. We have had many conversations about Lorenzo and what a raw deal EAL employees encountered. I agree that having the internet and blogs this day and age is a way of getting the message out. Thank you for your support in sending this to your co-workers.
Yesterday and today my family and I have been reading and watching news account coverage of the very sad ending of TWA flight 800 10 years ago. The folks who lost their lives in this horrible and still unexplained tragedy must be on every former TWA employee's mind. I couldn't help compare that awful event to what the TWA people are going through today. Most are on the street with little or no hope of returning to the jobs they loved and invested. Many with 30 or 40 or more years of service unceremoniously dumped from the American Airline roster. I clearly remember promises of jobs to TWA employees made by American Airlines at the time of their purchase of your company. It's very sad that a few heartless individuals could control the lives of so many. God Bless
Thumbing thru the skyward rag that Apfa puts out quartely and ran across the letter from Pres. Tommie blake who the TWA members mistakenly put into office with their votes. She has the gall to say in one paragrah -"every week i read and listen to messages sent by you...blah, blah, blah...Still others, particularly some of our furloughed members, seem to want only to lash out about the unfairness of it all." What the hell are people with stolen senority suppose to do? Bend over? The disgusting attitude by this woman twoard other human beings is a disgrace to mankind. It seems she feels we are a bother. If I could think of a few more lawsuits to file against that sorry orgainization I would. Love to see 'em go bankrupt. Then made AA F/A's with some intelligence would start a REAL union inclusive of ALL members.
I couldn't agree more? Is she senile? It looks to me like she sits around all day with Arpey trying to figure out how to screw as many people as possible. I love the story further in the mag about the Female F/A who is retiring after 30 years with a pension of $36,000.00 a year. Hope she can make it on that. I have 28 years with TWA and get $4500.00 a year from PBGC. Very fair and equitable? Sour grapes? You bet. I wonder what tommie will get when she goes to the old folks home.
What a horrible union. The least APFA and AA can do is to extend the recall rights for the TWA flight attendants. They deserve to come back and not fall off the recall list. Do the right thing!
I sat im my backyard on July 4th, enjoying the day, when I looked overhead and observed the pattern of airplanes landing at Midway here in Chicago. I really had not considered the date in terms of what had happened to us 3 years earlier but I realized I was doing much the same on that day as well. Sadly, the disgust and anger I felt 3 years ago remains with me today. I have been fortunate in that I have found a JOB, but I miss my TWA family and my former CAREER immensely and am saddened by the fact that I will probably never see most of you again.
I rarely read most things written by naatives because I consider most of them beneath contempt. The arrogance, self importance and total disregard for people in the same profession who also loved what they were doing is mind boggling.
The lack of consideration for people with almost 30 years in the industry but less than 50 years of age who will walk away with nothing, the lack of cosideration for people who have been flight attendants all of their lives, our elder statesmen and women who have seen so many changes in this industry and have been instrumental in effectuating those changes, to be thrown in the street like yesterday's trash is totally dehumanizing.
How anyone can so callously count the days until we, the TWA flight attendant, will cease to have any connection to our former lives and then to do so as if ticking off the days on a calendar without any consideration for what it means to us is an abomination.
The Bible says you reap what you sow, another religion refers to it as Karma, but their must be something to it since there is reference to it in every religion. May we all live to see American Airlines and its employees receive its just rewards and react to it in a way that most suits each individual, without fear of condemnation or judgement.
I used to fly for Hughes Airwest, who then became Republic (combined with North Central and Southern) then we were all melded into Northwest.
Before this we were Bonanza Airlines, then AirWest, then Hughes Airwest and so forth.
I sure wish we had computers way back then and panty hose. This sure is a wonderful way to let the civilian population know how lousy we all are treated as airline employees.
Picture this...North Central, Southern, Republic, Bonanza, AirWest, Hughes Airwest and Northwest...seven airlines combined with more labor in- fighting than you can shake a stick at.
Whoever had the foresight to do this blog thing knows this is the way to get your message out. I will add this to our retiree board and hope your people fight these criminals who did this to you. They should be in prison and in leg irons. Unions are sure not what they used to be.
From an old broad wo used to fly the Big Banana at Hughes AirWest, best of luck and get as much support as you can from within your own people.
I used to fly Hughes Airwest and it was like PSA and Air Cal...those WERE the good old days.
She's right. Stick together and you will drive them nuts!
I know many TWA flight attendants and I really feel for them. They are a great group of people who have been treated shabbily. I just don't understand...isn't there a Union? Why isn't the Union doing anything to get these people back to the career that they love and are so great at?
Even though we have been stapled to the bottom of AA's flight attendant seniority list, most of the AA flight attendants do not want to see any of us recalled from furlough. I don't quite understand this since their seniority then remains stagnant. Where has all the animosity come from?
The 5 year recall window is fast approaching for the first group of furloughs in October and APFA can't get AA to change it to unlimited like the pilots. Why does it have to be different for us?
AA is now showing a profit but the flight attendants out on the street are s--t out of luck!
This is and has been an incredible game of chess from the beginning of the TWA purchase, starting with Don Carty and Captain Compton, right on through John Ward former APFA President along with the IAM. Their true colors are flying, Carty was fired, Ward is no longer President, the IAM is no longer the certified Union.
When this is all said and done when the last recall rights expire WE will see what happens with APFA, they will be facing bankruptcy themselves.
APFA should be ashamed of itself!!I think they need to look up the definition of union in the dictionary. Unions were formed to protect the workers against the injustices of big companies. Now they are treating fellow union brothers and sisters brought into AA just as badly. Our union dues were never used to help us only to staple us.
It is very sad that after going through the hardships of the Icahn years (strike,paycuts,etc.), we are now worse off then ever!
I hate to wish anyone bad luck but I hope APFA gets what it deserves.
BANKRUPTCY has a nice ring to it!
Alot can happen in 2 years.
If AA does not call some of you back, can't they be sued for discrimmination?
Does anyone know the address of this union?
I think they could be sued if they don't take some of you back. As was said in an earlier posting, much can occur in a two year timetable. Good luck from NWA.
We work for morons, as well.
For the poster who asked for the address of APFA-
APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040
(800) 395-APFA or Local Metro (817) 540-0108
Fax (817) 540-2077
Thank you for your support!!!
I have no doubt that the AA flight attendant union and the company are working together to shut out the former TWA flight attendants. I imagine that at some point AA told the union leadership that the $$$ saved could offset any future pay concessions. As greedy as the AA FAs appear with regards to their seniority, I am sure they are tenfold when it comes to their money.
Remember Braniff Airlines? What a class act it was. Do you know a former Braniff employee? Ask them what they think of the business tactics of American Airlines! Braniff sued and won in court the largset settlement ever at the time, AA was making false bookings on Braniff's planes to help put them out of business. This was directed from the management at AA. This all came out in court. AA and it's union sadly still have this corporate culture. Look out for themselves and squash the rest. Why won't AA give t he TWAers unlimited recall rights? AA claims that the TWAers are where they are due to 911, beyond their control. The government allowed all airline employees to receive up to 18 months of unemployment if they were laid off due to 911 due to "special Circumstances". Why then can't the government force companies like AA to issue unlimited recall rights to these same people due to "Special Circumstances" brought on by 911 as well. It's sad that AA wouldn't do this automatically, very sad.
APFA will end up bankrupt very soon. They can't continue to grow. Just look at how they tried to get NWA f/a's to join them. No other union wants APFA on their team! This is a FACT! APFA, continue your behavior and you will receive the same results, which equals no growth! APFA will soon enough, if not already begin to feel the isolation which they deserve. Enjoy your last summer as a group, union, whatever you call yourselves, it won't last much longer!
One of the obviously large discrimination examples in history.
APFA owes the TWA Flight Attendants extended recall rights at the very least. The TWA flight attendats jobs cushioned the others from furlough. The APFA president, Tommie Hutto Blake, needs to take a good look in the mirror and remember taht she promised to FIGHT for extended recall rights. She hasn't even put the extended recall rights on the table. That is not FIGHTING for them. Each time a letter of agreement, LOA, is signed, she should be fighting for extended recall rights for ALL of the members of the APFA.
Wow...someone remembered us! I used to fly for Braniff (the one and only original) and now fly for AA. I remember the incident and lawsuit. Being here is not picnic either but if you show up, don't, steal their money and do your trips, you can survive all the utter stupidity here at AA. BTW, most of the senior people I hang with know you guys got the shaft. It's the junior younger ones who think they will suffer if you return. Dumb asses are not smart enough to figure your recalls will get them off reserve. This is the mentality, so go figure. Those of us who have half a brain, want you all back so we have someone to talk to rather than these brain dead little shits. Some of us with common sense know if APFA did what they did to you, they would happily do it to us. We can't figure how AA will make it thru the Holidays cause we are so short. Hang in there. WE are posting and passing this URL around so don't be surprised if you hear from more of us. Good luck.
I was reading the latest APFA Hotline. Maybe it's just me but the way I took the comment about the APFA.org website struck me as to who they were referring to about the internet and security breaches.
My feelings have been confirmed by others that feel the same way about the treatment they have received from the APFA.
It is a sad day when an organized group of individuals that call themselves a union,allow their "Union" brothers and sisters to feel so demoralized.
Truely. A sad day for all unions.
As I do not feel there is a "security breach" here, I will include the comment-
- "APFA.org is in the final stages of being unveiled to our members. In light of the many security breaches on Web sites throughout the Internet, APFA is taking extreme measures to ensure the integrity of our server to protect our members. In light of this, we will publish the new Web site as soon as these issues have been addressed."
This is where we, the "outsiders" fill in the blanks:
"Please remember we have 3,895 APFA members on furlough"-
Once we have outlasted the recall rights of these individuals, thus securing the demise of their careers, we will then activate the new website.
The APFA should not be considered a union. Has any union in this country ever treated its membership in this manner? Our treatment (furloughed TWA F/A's) has been beyond cruel and unthinkable. AA and APFA put their heads together and put forth this plan. From the beginning we were treated in a different way than Reno Air F/A's, and any other F/A group that I can remember. We were fenced in St. Louis. Why? Kept us separate from the beginning. We were to keep our seniority as long as we remained in St. Louis. If that was so, we would still be there! We have had nothing but lies from AA and APFA, and their plan so far has succeeded because the union and company continue to work together. We have been treated differently than any other work group from TWA, and we have had the worst and most cruel treatment than any other work group. I think AA and APFA cooked this plan from the very beginning, and knew it would be extremely difficult for us to ever win any justice. I hope and pray they do not get away with this very cruel treatment to employees, and no other employee in this country is ever treated this way again. Wake up America and realize what big companies and unions are getting away with and continue to take away any stability in our lives.
Tommie has stated that she's asked AA numerous times about extended recall rights and that they have refused her request. She then throws up her hands and says what's a girl to do? I maintain, much as Glenda the good witch told Dorothy, that she's had the power all along. The next time the company approaches her (and they will) and asks her to put her to name to paper, she should say I wish I could but until you agree to extended recall rights I'm sorry but I can't oblige. She does have the power but refuses to utilize it.
I ask former TWA passengers to remember the good service we gave them and to please ask AA to give us our jobs. We were earning half of what AA F/A's were earning at the time and still we gave excellent service.
Isn't it interesting that Jay is campaigning to see that the furloughees aren't allowed to vote on upcoming union issues. We are a mere 3,895 votes but he seems so threatened by us. The only brotherhood at APFU is me, myself, and I.
I am a AA flight attendant with 32 years seniority. To this day I cannot understand how nasty our "union" and company were to the TWA folks who simply wanted to work. TWA guys were promised that they could keep their seniority as long as they stayed in St. Louis. How is it that American was able to furlough all of the TWA people in St. Louis and put junior AA F/A' (some with only 1 or 2 years seniority) into St. Louis to replace them. It's unbelievable that they were able to get away with doing this. It's fairly obvious to me and many of my co-workers that this had to be planned from the very beginning. Take the TWA routs, airplanes, gates, eliminate a competior and screw the employees- even withholding furlough pay for these people. Where are our elected Senators and Representatives? Why have they turned their backs on this innocent group of people. It makes me sick to my stomach that I work for such a horrible airline and sicker still to know that I MUST PAY this worthless union every month. It's as if I am condoning very bad behavior against my will. I of course cannot write this under my own name as I would be called into the office by my FSM in two seconds and reprimanded if not fired.
i am one of those caught in between. not yet 50 at time of layoff, therefore at retirement age i will get NOTHING. i don't think that after (what would now be) 28 years of service at a job i wanted as my career from the age of 14, that having given my entire adult life to it, that i should cease to exist in the eyes of the so called union and end up with nothing. some days i manage to still have hope that some miracle will happen and somehow the remainder of the 4200 twa flight attendants that just wanted our jobs will get the chance to return to them, other days i am in such deep despair that i can barely function. this is as bad, if not worse, than losing a spouse you loved for 28 years. all of the same feelings are there. shock, disbelief, gradually being replaced by the realization that yes, this nightmare really did happen, to anger, frustration, rage at the truth that we were duped...used, abused and discarded like trash. in every other job classification-EXCEPT THAT OF FLIGHT ATTENDANT-there are still some people working that were twa. in management, ramp, pilots, agents, etc. but not ONE flight attendant. discrimination at its best. i still have terrible dreams from which i awake and realize that yes, what has happened to me is in fact real, and not just a bad dream. this is not where i was supposed to be at 51 years old. the dedication and loyalty of a workforce in this age group will never be parallelled or surpassed by the ME-ME-ME mentality of those entering the work force in the last five or so years. i see it every day in the miserable behavior of those i must interview at my present job. every day i pray that it be made right. i have heard that american will not call any of us back because they fear uprisings from their nAAtives at having to work side by side with us. we are professionals. i could go on and on, but i am just too worn out, emotionally, physically, mentally with what the loss of my flight attendant career has done to me.
Actually, the original AA/APFA agreement was that TWA would retain their seniority at TWO bases, New York AND St.Louis!
APFA had agreed that
it would allow those former TWA Flight Attendants based in New York
and in St. Louis that they would receive some job protection in the
form of a fence.
In other words, we would retain our combined TWA
and AA seniority as long as we remained in our two (2) hubs. We
would be allowed some sort of job protection in those bases.
In the aftermath of September 11, AA decided to
shut down the New York TWA operation. (IMO, AA used 9/11 as an excuse to 'corral' ALL TWAers into SLT.)
It transferred ALL former TWA
New York flights to more junior AA Flight Attendants. American
Airlines gave New York Flight Attendants two (2) options: They
could be furloughed to the streets without a paycheck or accept a
transfer to the remaining TWA base in St. Louis. Many of our former
New York Flight Attendants elected to transfer to St. Louis. After
all, we would retain job security as long as TWA, LLC flights
continued to operate out of St. Louis. We were wrong......
As posted above by Kormy, the agreement read:
"TWA LLC Flight Attendants who qualify to use their special TWA LLC occupational seniority at STL or ISL and who remain based at St. Louis will maintain their TWA LLC occupational (bidding) seniority date at STL or ISL for bidding purposes."
IMO, AA/APFA used 9/11 as an excuse to shut down NY, replacing TWA jobs with junior AA f/a's, some with less than 3 years seniority. Former NY based were forced to commute to STL or be furloughed. AA/APFA repeated the same violation of the agreement some time later by replacing all TWAers based in STL with junior AA f/a's thereby violating the agreement not only once, but twice.
This was a blatant violation of the agreement. AA & APFA should be ashamed of their well orchestrated 'business tactics' which brutally disregarded the futures of 4200 TWA flight attendants!
It is every Flight Attendant Union's inherent obligation to be the advocate for The Flight Attendant Profession. Clearly, APFA failed.
Sunday's New York Times features an article about a collaboration between labor and management. CEO Gerald Arpey is quoted as saying " I think companies ought to make good on commitments to employees..."
I think ANYONE interested in helping TWA flight attendants obtain extended AA recall rights could use Arpey's public committment in letters to ANYONE who could help the cause. Here are letters I sent to the NYT, Arpey, and Tommie Hutto-Blake, president of the AA flight attendant union.
Letter to the NYT:
Perhaps American Airlines CEO Gerald Arpey was misquoted when he said “ … companies ought to make good on commitments made to employees ….” (Anger Management at American Air , NYT, July 23, 2006)
In 2001 American Airlines purchased the assets of TWA promising jobs to the majority of TWA workers. Today, thousands of TWA employees are out of work including all 4200 former TWA flight attendants. While given full seniority for pay purposes, the flight attendants were stripped of all longevity resulting in devastating post 9-11 layoffs. Now, they are in danger of losing their jobs forever as contractual recall rights begin to expire this fall.
Mr. Arpey asserts that there is a new collaboration between management and labor at AA . Indeed there is.
Both American Airlines and its’ flight attendant union are refusing to negotiate the extension of recall rights,
shutting out a group of dedicated employees in the pursuit of cost-competitiveness.
Queens, New York
Letter to Arpey:
Dear Mr. Arpey,
As a former TWA flight attendant, I am greatly intrigued by a comment you made to a New York Times reporter. (Anger Management at AA Air, NYT, July 23, 2006) In the article you said that “…companies
ought to make good on commitments made to employees…”
Your statement is in conflict with the fact that you are refusing the plea of almost 4200 dedicated TWA flight attendants to extend our contractual recall rights; a move which would allow us to return to the jobs we were promised by your predecessor.
I accepted my furlough in 2003 as a necessity to put American Airlines on stronger financial footing.
Approaching the date on which my recall rights expire, I began to worry that I may never be able to return to a job I love. I am comforted by your public commitment to your employees. Although furloughed, I consider myself an American Airlines flight attendant and now believe I will someday `return to work
Mr. Arpey, your integrity is in on the line.
Letter to Hutto-Blake:
Dear Ms. Hutto-Blake,
APFA has been adamant in expressing the opposition of AA management to extending contractual flight attendant recall rights which would save the jobs of almost 4200 former TWA flight attendants and APFA members.
American Airlines CEO, Gerald Arpey was recently quoted in the New York Times as saying “…companies ought to make good on commitments made to employees…” (Anger Management at AA Air, NYT, July 23, 2006)
Ms. Hutto-Blake: you, the APFA, and the former TWA flight attendants have been given a gift. APFA now has the public commitment of American Airlines to make good on a promise of jobs to TWA flight attendants made during the 2001 acquisition. APFA can now move forward with the demand for recall right extensions in exchange for any future productivity enhancements.
There are no more excuses. Failure to achieve extended recall rights will be proof that APFA and American Airlines are working together to eliminate the TWA flight attendant workforce.
To 'anonymous' poster above:
Great letters! Thank you!
For those who would like to write Mr. Arpey, Tommie Hutto-Blake or the NYT, here are the addresses. Thank you for your support!
Gerald J. Arpey, Chair and CEO
American Airlines, Inc. Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 619616
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616
Tommie Hutto-Blake-Pres. APFA
APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard Euless, Texas 76040
(800) 395-APFA or Local Metro (817) 540-0108
Fax (817) 540-2077
Jeff Bailey
New York Times
Link to direct email address:
Here's some posts from a thread that just started this morning (7/24) at www.stlouis.craiglist.org in the rant and rave section. (Be forewarned that there are often patently offensive posts and pics in this category, but you can simply skip past them.) Please help out and post your comments there, too. Thanks!
Flight Attendants are tired of your ass
Date: 2006-07-24, 8:23AM CDT
Dear Fat Ass American Pigs,
Yes, that probably is you. You disgust us. You're abhoring, you grind your child's cheerio's into the carpet and dont clean it up, you leave your seating area a total wreck, We dont get paid to pick up after you like your crack-whore mother turning a trick.. You never say please, thank you, and are rude as hell.
Next time you suck down that coke, make sure your there isnt dirt floating in your glass and I wouldnt eat that roll. Fly First Class? You are the worst. Keep your damn shoes on--who wants to see your nasty hairy toes. Dont piss off the hand that feeds you just because a secretary wouldnt go down on you at the office and the wifey decided only to marry for money. I'm not your nanny, maid, or your displacment wall. Come into my office and call me a bitch and you wont fly with me. (if i came into your office and said same what would you do, asshole????)
re: Flight Attendants are tired of your ass (St. Louis, MO)
Date: 2006-07-24, 9:17AM CDT
Since you've posted this in St. Louis, and sounding as disgruntled as you do, chances are extremely high that you're an American Airlines flight attendant. If that is the case, please remember that you're only still flying because you've replaced (taken the job of) a former TWA flight attendant, one who has many years - possibly decades - of experience. Fact is, there are still THOUSANDS of former TWA flight attendants who are still furloughed, some fast approaching the end of their five year recall window, who are eagerly awaiting the chance to return to the career they loved, and they CAN'T WAIT to deliver the service you're grumbling about - with a smile! When dealing with the public, you need to have the right attitude, and it sounds like yours needs a serious adjustment. Be happy you have a job thanks to the sacrifice of so many innocent others, you ingrate.
re: Flight Attendants are tired of your ass
Date: 2006-07-24, 9:49AM CDT
Um...correct me if im wrong but twa was aquired by AMR out of bankrupcy liquidation.
When a company is mismanaged and fails there isnt much an employee can do but hang on for the descent into history.
So although the original poster may or may not be be a American Flight Attendant, he/she didnt steal your job, your former CEO's put you there. Any good financial advisor would have told you to go back to school years ago (yes years, about the time Carl Icahn was around) and you wouldnt have been dumped on the street a la PAN AM EASTERN and a hoard of other companies that went under due to mismanagement and labor rules.
re: Flight Attendants are tired of your ass
Date: 2006-07-24, 12:52PM CDT
Yes, TWA was acquired by AMR, and the employees were promised "fair and equitable" treatment, as the supposedly most valuable asset of the acquisition. With every single former TWA flight attendant still layed off while the AA flight attendants work their planes and routes out of the former TWA base (AA didn't even have one in St. Louis prior to the acquisition,) it certainly doesn't appear "fair" nor "equitable" to anyone but the 4200 most junior AA flight attendants whose jobs were saved by the TWA human furlough cushion.
I left out a letter in the url above. It should be
I thought the Brannif F/A's comments about AA making ficticious bookings to put Brannif out of business was quite interesting.
I believe they did the same thing to us. In my last two years working for TWA I worked turn arounds to the Carribean.
When we got on board to work the flight down, the agent would tell us we were oversold. Then we would end up with a load like 50 or so pax. This didn't happen just once, but every day, every week. Then we would get to Nassau and an AA flight would be arriving just after us and it would be packed solid. We thought that was fishy.
As some of you may know agents are allowed to overbook by a certain percentage, because of the no show factor. But once the break point is reached they can't take any more reservations. So reservations were "made" and LOTS of "people" would no show.
Once AA had a mechanical down there and we heard the announcement in the terminal. All the Pax trying to leave Nassau were upset. I went over to one group and told them we had empty seats going back to EWR. If they wanted to go back with us they should immediately contact one of our agents. Their response was that AA had told them all flights out of Nassau were fully booked. A few fast acting passangers did make it onto our flight. And I think I remember we waited for about two dozen, before the agent felt we had to close out the flight to keep up the on time record.
Could we prove that AA was doing this to us. How?? They did a dirty deal on Brannif and they played the same dirty game with us. I'll bet there are other F/A's that can attest to the same thing happening on their flights.
AA intentionally drove us to the brink, and then put on a front of being our Savior when they arranged to buy, merge, aquire us or whatever they want to call it.
Can I prove it?? Probably not at this late date. I would really like to know how Brannif proved it in court and won some compensation.
AA plays dirty pool and they get by with it because they can afford to hire the slickest lawyers in the business.
I saw some of their lawyers in their thousand dollar suits representing AA and APFA in NY the day of one of our big hearings.
Want to know what happened to our lawyer that day? The lawyer who knew our case inside out and was prepared to represent us was in an "accident" on the way to court in Brooklyn and never showed up. Now isn't that ironic???? I'm not making this up. This could be a movie it's so outrageous.
So our law firm sent in someone else at the last minute. This guy knew nothing about our case and we all sat there stunned as he stammered thru his testimony and questioning.
Meanwhile the union Reps from APFA sat on the other side of the court room with big smirks on their faces.
Our hearts just sank as we watched this charade unfold.
AA seems to always get what they want. They went before Congress and made all these big promises assuring jobs for all the TWA employees. And Congress gave their approval. Would they still, knowing what devious plans AA and APFA had?
And AA was so haughty they wouldn't even take our money saving suggestions, and this was coming from people who had learned how to cut every corner and still deliver a great product. God forbid they should take any suggestions from a TWA person.
Later, after we were gone, they implimented our ideas as if they were their own, and someone got paid to dream up this brilliant plan. And got a nice pat on the back to boot!
We were often so disgusted that we didn't know whether to laugh at them or cry. We saw them making stupid money squandering mistakes.
Over and over again we saw this.
One example was while taxiing our pilots used to just run one engine to save fuel. Our chief pilot suggested that AA pilots do the same. Told them how much it would save them. Did they do it? NO! They couldn't stand to impliment any ideas that came from TWA.
They under utalized both their pilots and their F/A's. We would have these huge blocks of time where we sat in Dallas before we would work another flight. Ridiculous scheduling. Totally inefficient. But that was the AA way. They wouldn't even consided a new idea to increase productivity.
Now they do it, after they dumped us all on the street. If they had taken our suggestions when we generously offered them they would be in much better shape now.
I once had a computer guy from AA on a flight to Chicago and we had a conversation about how AA does business. He said each of their departments is like a tall tower that has no contact with the other tall towers. So no one ever knew what the other departments were doing. They carried huge costs and would do anything to protect their own department. They would do things that hurt the company at large to protect their little jobs.
Doesn't surprise me. And then they vote huge bonuses for all the top execs!
Is anyone out there as disgusted as I am?
Here's an idea. I think we should each sent this blog site to our congressmen and senators. Maybe their interns will read this and pass it on up so those who approved this deal will really see what AA and APFA did to us. And MAYBE they will feel some shame for letting it happen.
Soon, AApfa will lose over 4000 F/A jobs,savings funded mAAnagement bonuses.
"Um...correct me if im wrong but twa was aquired by AMR out of bankrupcy liquidation"
Aactually, you are wrong. Liquidation would be Ch7
AA agreed to buy certain assets of TWA, and to employ the contract workers, and continue retiree health coverage.
One of the conditions of the agreement was that TWA would file for protection under Ch11, Sect 365, which allows for continued operation while a sale of assets takes place.
This was important, in order to allow AA to cherry pick the assets they wanted, and dump the obligations they didn't...primarily the Icahn ticket agreement.
Basically, though, your statement is wrong. AA did not acquire TW out of "bankruptcy liquidation".
For the APFA to call itself a "union" is an insult to the many workers who worked tirelessly and in some cases risked their lives to form real unions. APFA is more like a social club limiting its members to those they feel meet their specific criteria. APFA better hope their company stays in business as what goes around comes around. Bigotry and deceit reaps its own ugly rewards.
The actions of the APFA towards the former TWA f/a's has caused severe financial hardships that I will probably never be able to overcome. I am devastated.
To have unionized workers be put to the street is horror enough, especially when when many of those workers were in well established careers, but to suffer this indignity at the hands of a union is despicable. Not only putting workers on the street, but also giving up severance pay , not fighting tirelessly for unlimited recall rights, and giving away items that would have helped recall is an insult to call APFA a labor union.
Twa f/a's have fought over the years through union organizations to elevate all f/a careers to a professional career from the glamour "coffe, tea, or me" days. TWA f/a's brought out industry leading contracts in the 80's when APFA brought out B scale. During the bad years at TWA, the union was able to provide contracts that maximized pay and time off through innovative ways, while nicely funding 401 K's.
APFA to be shown up for what it is...a fraud.
Ms. Hutto-Blake-Extend the TWA flight attendant recall rights! I am sure you would not want to exacerbate the after effects of 9/11 by making this group of employees permanent victims of a terrorist act. We can argue and disagree about all that has transpired to date, but it is in your power to communicate the urgency of an extention of the recall rights of the TWA flight attendants. If your union cannot do something as simple as this, and prevent further devastation to this group, your reputation is on the line for all to see.
I've been logging on and reading all of the comments and the only thing that I can think of to say to the people at APFA is "What did we do to make you hate us so much?"
Only someone who hates you can do such horrible things to someone they have never met.
You have acted like we had a choice about becoming a part of American Airlines, like we were in charge of what happened.
I'll have you know I was standing in my living room, listening to the news on tv in January of 2001, when I found out our companies had been in talks and were soon to be one!! This happened just after
Carl Ichan stopped funding our pensions and turned everything over to the PBGC, then here comes American.
We didn't ask for this, weren't given a say, and yet you blamed us.
You didn't even know us and yet you wanted to keep me from doing the job I had been doing for over 31 years and I don't know why even now.
As our spokesperson, I thought you would at least fight for us to keep our jobs after we were stapled as you have your own(natives as you call them) who follow behind us and will be falling off the recall list before any of us.
Because the majority of the furloughs happened after 9/11, I would have assumed that would be your argument in order to keep people on the recall list. The government made arraignments for people, why shouldn't the company we work for (if you would fight us).
That's what you're supposed to do!
It doesn't matter whether you like us or not, your job is to fight for thr rights of your membership!!
We are part of your membership and I charge you to fight for my job!!
So far I haven't seen much fighting except against us. And for the company?!!
I thought you were the union.
The theme is the same. Why won't apfa (doesn't deserve caps) fight for unlimited recall rights for professional flight attendants with years of service who whould only benefit the company we all have been hired to work for? It's a mystery that someday WILL be solved. We may all read about it in the HEAVENS DAILY NEWS. But such mistreatment of other humans will not go forgiven.
You hit the nail!!! Why would any organization supposedly dedicated to the welfare of their members turn thier backs on a group who only want to (and deserve to) work for a living? Why would you not fight with all your might to make sure that our jobs are there once this economy stabilizes. Yeah, you screwed us on seniority, but many of our ranks want to come back anyway. We did NOT bring this situation on ourselves. Have you ever heard of the word "decency"? Think for a minute. What would you want if you were in our shoes? THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
APFA- Hey- Trade ANYTHING for the rights of these people to be able to return to their righfully owned jobs. UNLIMITED RECALL RIGHTS!!! Or you will go down in history along with W as being the worst administration in history.
Maybe you don't care about the above distinction but you should. You will go down in history as the WORST representative of a Union in Union orgainization History. How can we alert the Media to this travesty? Give us the word.
we were screwed big time by the APFA!!!
a poster asked the APFA what we (the TWA flight attendants ) did to make them hate us so much.
it was one man, John Ward, who hated us and started the ball rolling. the story goes like this:
mr. ward was hired in the early 80s when AA flight attendants had a single pay scale. while he was in training, the FA union voted in a "B" scale where new employees would work at a considerably lower pay rate so that the senior workers could maintain their higher rates , the result was an overall cost savings for the company. mr ward went into training thinking he going to make X dollars, and came out of training making much less. he has had a hard-on for seniority ever since. the decision to staple the TWA FAs was his alone to make. his decision was simply revenge against "seniority". end of story
Used to fly for Eastern. This outfit needs to be decertified. They appear to only help themselves. Do they even know they have memebers?
This group of unioners makes the Teamsters look good.
Makes me glad to be retired.
Disgusting poeple. Nothing like sticking it to your brothers and sisters.
Based at RDU. Thank God we are as far away as possible from our leadership.
Jay Narey says he "would love to see unlimited recall rights for all the furlougees...but it would be too expensive for the "membership"". We ARE the membership, Mr. Narey and believe me we all know out here on the street "how expensive it is for the memnbership"...we face it every day. Unlimited recall rights could be extended to nAAtive and TWA alike, with some creative thinking; rather than simply stating "unlimited recall rights will never happen. Is it any wonder that AA management walks all over APFA, when the Union essentially says "OK" to every productivity increase (read loss of jobs) that management asks for.
American Airlines/Trans World Airlines - Two great Airlines, One great future??? APFA only thinks of the members working {at the moment}, and to hell with the poor ugly stepchildren!!! APFA doesn't beleive in bargaining with the company {AA}, they just roll over and except whatever the company wants {what a strong union}!!!
I fly for an airline in Europe and cameto this mail and can not think this can happine in America. In my country this never ever happine
Interesting that Mr. Narey has told us he enjoyed "getting out the vote" when he worked for the national Democratic elections and the previous APFA elections. Yet, he has publically stated his current activities are to squelch the voting rights of a group that he fears may not feel as he does. I find this manipulation deplorable and I would think APFA should,at the least, remove from office a person of such low moral character.
Flight attendants have no job security while executives make millions!
Please read the following report regarding executive salaries from the Baumert report at www.fa4ud.com.
While it is now well-known that AMR CEO Gerard Arpey received a hefty 23% increase in base salary, there hasn't been much detailed about what else Arpey and his top executives received.In addition to his ample raise, Arpey was also given $2.7 million worth of AMR stock (yes, that's $2.7 million) in the form of 115,000 shares. AMR's board also granted him 75,000 stock options. And here's what AMR's board awarded to some of Arpey's top executives:V.P. Dan Garton - $1.7 million in stock (72,950 shares) and 38, 500 stock optionsCFO Tom Horton - $1.6 million in stock (69,400 shares) and 38,500 stock optionsGen. Counsel Gary Kennedy - $923,000 in stock (39,000 shares) and 21,800 stock optionsSources: AMR SEC Form 4 filings. Value of stock grants were based on AMR's stock price as of the market close on Friday, July 28.Steven Baumert
flyinmom said...
Yes, we DO despise the way AA has treated us, but we don't despise the job. Before you say "then why not go work for another airline" let me just say this. The majority of us were a very senior group. Our retirement is on the line. Many of us HAVE reached out and been welcomed by other carriers, but the fact of the matter is at this point, the only pension we could draw from is the one we sorked so hard for. Many of us would return to AA just long enough to sign those papers. I'm sure I too would meet many new AA friends, because I know that the hateful ones are a small (and junior) group. True professionals would embrace each other, as we have all seen our share of sadness with the airlines. TWA 847 (many of you hateful ones weren't even born for that one!) TWA 800, and how could we not mention AA and the flights on Sept 11th. How we felt your pain, but at the same time, we knew more was coming for us. We have been kicked to the curb like unwanted trash by a spineless union, APFA. And another thing, APFU would save SO MUCH money if they would tone down their glossy publication SkyWord. If they'd focus more on their members more, and less on their puffed up egos, maybe we could get somewhere. I'm sure if I looked in the dictionary for "Union", APFU would be nowhere in the definition.
All you AA'ers who sympathize with us (I know you're out there) PLEASE use your freedom of speech and post here. Fellow members are soon to fall off the recall list, and they need our help. We must have extended recall rights for EVERYONE. Not just the former TWAers, but the junior AAers as well. We ALL deserve extended recall. If you ever wanted to get on the SOAPBOX, then NOW is the time!!!!! Write letters to your congressmen and women, senators, the President for God's sake. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Don't let us lose forever the jobs we miss so much. APFA still has a chance to save face. GIVE US EXTENDED RECALL RIGHTS!!!!!! AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGHHHH!
2:41 PM
slime bags
Stay tuned...it's gonna get ugly here real soon...if it has not already!
Anonymous said...
To my dying day I will never forgive AA and its entire force for destroying..emotionally mutilating and creating instataneous depression..some so low as to commit suicide because they couldn't cope financially and the hardships at what AA and its unions did to them...and what is their answer to all of this...9/11. True.. there is no denying that it had affected the airline industry...but explain to me..how is it possible that all the other airlines pulled it together and recalled their employees.. whereas AA’s strategy was different. First lie..then emotionally assassinate in whatever way it works...99% of the time just ignore them.. as in time they will be gone and for now we just need to tolerate them. If this were not true then the union would be out there being a REAL union and pissing off Arpeys 2 raises...Is it so difficult to badger the company of this or is this rocking the boat for APFA and its comfy position? What amazes me is that APFA chooses not to acknowlege us or help us...their quick answer...go to your rep...sure..but WHO makes the decision there whether to approach the company...huh Ms Tommie???? Who????? Just how many meetings have you had to pursue this...and can you plz supply that info. Bet Arpy doesn't remember and if he doesn't...neither do you. Its all just a script..only the script is for us because there certainly no life in that heart of yours or else you would have done something already and you haven't and you won't. Action speaks louder than words and you AA people have none of these as you hate us so much. Well guess what... I wish you heartbreak when you experience what we have... Thx for the memories..I will never forget them.
That about says it all!
Saw this blog on an aviation site. You guys hang in there with your fight. This is unbelievable!
Talk with AA pilot and he says that everyone thinks that we will return and then retire and that would cost to much money. I asked him if he thinks $100 a month give or take is to much for retirement. Some can retire now but we want to fly not retire.
Unlimited recall rights is the only sane thing that this Company, AA can do. They sat before congress and Promised to hire all TWA employees. Now they are in the process of firing the first group of laid-off Flight Attendants in a very transparent attempt to rid themselves of our rank and file. I know a lady who "retired" after furlough because she was 55 at that time. She get an $86.00 pension from AA. She is also required to pay $76.00 as her part of the premium to United Health Care, AA's insurance carrier. Now that means she has $10.00 a month to live on. Yes it is good to have health insurance. You'll need it when you are brought to the ER starving to death. Unlimited recall rights have to be DEMANDED. The public and our congress people who were lied to about giving us PERMANENT employment if they let the AA/TWA go through.
I find it intersting that none of this nonsense has made the news. This is an innocent group of baby boomers who are ready to go into their golden years with NOTHING while execs bring home huge pots of money and rewards of more money for figuring out how to steal money from people they promised employment in front of congress. Why is no one outraged?
It's called Bush world. Welcome to it. I haven't been able to find anything but a part time gigs here in Detroit for over 4 years. Maybe they should all join the military and go to Iraq. You are taking your chances, but hey, you'll get a paycheck courtesy of Cheney and Halliburton.
This is crazy. Don't airline employees have Unions that deal with this kind of nuttiness?
Call Opra. She likes to fight for the underdog. Hell, she could probably give all you attendants a pension. She gave me a car once.
Yeah it would be nice to win a lottery. But in the real world you rely on promises from people who are suposedly honest and trustworthy. You would like to believe your employer is not looking for a way to get rid of you. AA fooled TWA flight attendants, they fooled Congress. Go figure how you can get away with something like that. I think they have fooled themselves into thinking they aren't at fault. They have convinced each other that they did "good" for AA. I don't see how some of those folks making the decisions can sleep at night. They must have a very high threshold of guilt or take lots of Malox for stomach cramps. How do you ruin lives and just cash your big paychecks. Unbelievable, but true.
Yep...the union is such a friend... I wondered who thought up its name
APFA...American's Pathetic Flight Attendant" union...thx for the heartbreak.
Tommie Hutto Blake needs to step up to the plate and prove that she is a president of a UNION. By not fighting for the furloughees, she is making her union very weak in the eyes of AA. By holding AA accountable for their promises, she will gain power for the union members, ALL of them!
Still waiting for an answer...when did Ms Tommie discuss the furloughee situation with Arpey...I thought she had more going as president of this pathetic union to stand up to Arpey and make him justify his 2 raises while people in his own company are being ignored. His perks are worth more than the return of the twa f/as and Ms Tommie seems to think this is okay or else she'd be a real leader and lead as a leader does...not worry about the whiners...who are permanently interferring with her social daily life. Better to appease them since we are only calendar days away and Im sure she will fake it til then. ...APFA...American's Pathetic Flight Attendant Union
I was an ex platinum aviator on TWA, and believe me you guys are missed. AA never has been known for their good or gracious service. They really missed a great chance to change that when they laid you guys off. I try to avoid flying them whenever possible. I'd rather take Southwest out of Lambert.
I am reading this, can't believe this is happening in this day and age. Is there any way you can get this to the news media? This is disgracefull. APFA, is not a union, they only care about themself and the company. A union cares about it workers, and will do everything in its power to get them back. I will send this blog to my friends, in New York and LA. Have you thought about getting in touch with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins? Do not forget Cesar Chavez. They said he could not do it and he did. Stay strong and stay United.
You should send this blog to Air America, www.airamerica.com APFA should not have the right to call it self a union. They should be fighting for your return. In regards to Ceaser Chavez, I think the person was refering to how he never gave up his fight. Hang in there, god speed.
I think all of the news media should know about this. This so called union of AA flight attendants is a joke. You might want to let Al Franken in on this blog. His web site is www.alfrankenweb.com Nothing venture, nothing gained. Good luck, my prayers are with all of you.
Tommie do the right thing. Help these TWA people. Why are you treating them so disrespectfully? They are wonderful people.
When AA stripped our CBA of our "Scope" clause and illegaly altered our seniority dates...they also changed our 7 year TWA recall rights to 5 years...This was another nail in our coffin and help seal our demise. It is a travisty to be expected to pay for the return of something that was stolen. I believe it is called EXTORTION!
**TWA..34yrs AA..2yrs NO JOB..3yrs**
I believe that one place to go for this problem would be Congress. You were furloughed as a direct effect of September 11 as your Airline and union keep repeating. You should not loose your job because of a situation that was and is completey out of your control. I believe that Congress would insist on some sort of extension so that 4000 people do not end up permanently unemployeed as a result of a terriost attack. I'd check into it if I were you, although Congress is now on a one month vacation.
Congress is ALL about votes and how to appease the most people to keep their jobs. Big, high profile people never hurt. You just have to convince them that your cause is just and fair. Not an easy thing since they are also looking after their own bottom lines. $, Reputation, whatever. Good luck. You guys deserve it. I've watched your progress or lack of it since the 70's. Maybe you should get Mel Gibson to come out and say how much he loves female F/A's body parts. LOL. Not a good idea.
Hey this may have just have ended on Mel Gibson blogs. Who knows?
That is "ended up" on Gibson blogs.
The unfounded rumors that Mel Gibson sometimes brings his live pet snakes onto American flights and loses them is rather interesting. But you know if Mel has has gotten himself drunk , who knows. How's that for a tie in?
Here is the bottom line: We need those in the airline industry who may merge or be acquired to take note to what has happened to the TWA flight attendants.
Be wary of false promises in the event of merger/acquisition.....as Company and Union may give a sense of job security in the interim , it does not hold true in the big picture. Listen up, and be aware of what TWA f/a's have endured.
APFA and AA want the 'TWA problem' to go away....Given the fact that the first recall dropoff from employment is in Oct 2006, certainly works within APFA/A A favor.
That said, AA can begin hiring new hires at 16,000 salary annually after the TWA dropoff of 5 year recall rights.
OH, the Glory, and victory in defeat of denying recall rights to those from TWA who have served years in providing gracious service. Remembering the routes that AA acquired in their grand scheme of the TWA takeover, the maintenance bases, aircraft, STL, etc.After having flown with many TW Pilots over my 25 years, I ALWAYS had a repoire in taking care of everyone on the crew-AT TWA, we met with our pilots and crew/ held briefing onboard and certainly felt a commarderie for the days flight with safety #1 .......I suppose those were the good old days of TWA and how we worked together.
Bottom line is that the APFA is not working in behalf of the furloughees (3400+ TWA and 200 AAer hired after April 1, 2001.)
Shame upon APFA! , AFA, etc., need to take note of APFA's lack of integrity in encompassing all members of the union.
APFA is in a dark corner viewed by other F/A's unions. With the TWA acquisition regarding seniority, the 'staple job' essentially ignored any thought of 'fairness & equitabity' voiced in Don Carty's address and promise regarding TWA employment to Congress. Carty lied, the APFA-John Ward was hell bent on stapling TWAers (and willfully gave up furlough pay to the TWAers to be laid off-despicable!) and the lawyers hired made sure TWA acquisition would benefit AA/APFA. NO ONE can convince me that the shenanigans during this time between Ward & Carty were not contrived. Case in point: The RPA (Restructure Participating Agreement) which was voted on- initial results being a resounding "NO"(thanks to the TWAers)_. Carty and Ward 'extended the voting period' for those to change their votes.!!! Talk about 'back room deals
and shenanigans..... GO FIGURE!
For those who login to this blog from other airlines, PLEASE take note of our experience and join us in educating those who are still actively flying that this could happen to you.
That said, it is time that this blog be shared with every airline employee to learn what TWAers have endured at the hands of APFA/AA. NO ONE KNOWS the effect until it happens to you and your family. This is our way of reaching out for support and hope that you share this blog with your co-workers in the spirit of those who loved their jobs........and have lost their employment due to AA Corporate greed, a corrupt union-APFA, and a world of " if it doesnt affect me, it is not my bother." THIS is time to take notice and realize that apathy gets you no where-nor does focusing upon oneself. Best to take notice and become involved for your future - you never know what tommorrow brings. Heads UP!
If only Jay evapaorate in 5 minutes. What a waste of air.
I was just on Aviation Daily and saw this URL. You guys need to kick these people in the ass and get support from other REAL unions. This is disgusting, to say the least!
This is bull shit. Fight these assholes until you get what you are deserved...your jobs .
I am shocked to read this news. No one has covered this story. Thanks for the information which I will pass on to my coworkers.
The airlines are not what they seem. Do all treat employess like this?
I am shocked as well after reading this informative blog revealing the treatment of the TWAers by the APFA and AA. Just a suggestion, perhaps someone who is a member of www.airliners.net can post this URL on that website which is widely read to get the word out. I would do it myself but I am not a member and I understand membership requires a fee in order to have posting priveleges. I will certainly pass this URL on to my co-workers. You have my support! This so-called 'union', APFA, should be decertified!!!
I really do think that the media should get involved. Michael Moore, Al Franken, CNN. I cannot believe that this story has not been made public.
I, also, agree with the above poster that the government will do nothing...Too many friends in high places
I agree with the poster above-the TWA flight attendant story NEEDS to be told. A reporter with MOXIE who takes the time to reveal this travesty would certainly gain his/her name in journalism! This injustice needs to be heard even when it flies in the face of corporate America. It is my hope that reporters and media take note of this debacle and report it to the public with truth, backbone and grit in making known the deception by APFA and American Airlines in their treatment of the TWAers. THEY need to be held accountable for promises made voiced in the Congressional Hearings to approve the merger/aquistion of TWA. Carty lied in his promise of "fair and equitable treatment of TW employees" to Congress. APFA has not fought for extended recall rights for TWers......they are riding this out with the hopes that the first TWAers will drop off the recall list in OCT 2006...never to be heard from again-in the big picture-this certainly meets the agenda of AA and APFA-
AA proudly reveals an 'Eagle' as a reconizable icon. In reality, that "Eagle" is a vulture! APFA (the f/a union) uses a trademark symbol from Star Trek. APFA is certainly "lost in space", and as an independant union, has no power or perception of protecting it's members. It is apparent that APFA has cast aside the 'TWA problem' and assisted AA thru Letters of Agreement with AA to keep any recalls from happening anytime in the future.
As said, this is a story that needs to be told-APFA and AA would love if this issue were swept under the carpet. I have aired my feelings and hope that those who read this blog will share their views. I have read much support on this blog and encourage that this information be shared. It is not only about the treatment of TWAers but it encompasses anyone employed by an airline who may be faced with the same in future acquistions and/or mergers.
I apologise for the length of my post.
The poster above says it all:
AA & APFA (the flight attendant union) want the TWA members out of site and mind. ONce the TWers fall off the recall list, they essentially off record in being an employee with any rights. A grand coup- once the TWAers have lost recall rights...AA can begin hiring at lower wages ......the freshly hired/young and vulnerable, in their naiivity will be used and abused by AA/APFA. Former TWA Passengers, seasoned and dedicated , will suffer the consequence of this attrocity. To all of our dedicated TWA passengers in the past, thank you for your efforts in keeping our struggle alive. Your efforts are appreciated in more ways than you can imagine. Thank you for your continued support.
I feel like we're APFA's dirty little secret that they keep locked in the attic hoping no one will notice we're missing.
Well I'm not missing and I'm not going to let you forgot that I and 4000 others are out there. We are simply asking for a chance to return to our former careers that we loved. We are all ready stapled to the bottom of the list and can offer no harm what-so-ever to those currently flying. For pete's sake, GROW UP and do the right thing.
Former TWA members: I think this apfa group fears you. I'm not positive why, but as an attorney I think they mainly fear lawsuits that will give you your rightful seniorioty. There is a law term, "once you have been harmed" that could really tie them up in very expensive court proceedings and I think their attorneys have warned them and the Company about it. Once they call just one of you back to work the **** hits the fan. Just realize that. Think outside of the box, as they say. Know your enemies fears and work them to your favor. I'm not a labor lawyer or I would volunteer some service. But don't stop. When you know that you have been wronged don't ever give up the fight. Because you know you are RIGHT. That is the heart of a case, any case, believing in your cause.
AA and APFA have done everything they can think of to get rid of us. They took away seniority in NY that they said would be protected as long as we continued to fly out of that base. Then they said "IF you want a job you will have to be based in St. Louis".Yikes!!
So for two and a half years I would get up at 3:30 AM to get the first flight out of EWR so that I would get to STL in time to check in to START my work day. That would most of the time be in the mid afternoon.
You see, they thought we couldn't or wouldn't do it; the big commute, but we hung in there waiting for better days ahead.
I remember when this big move happened. They made us learn their whole computer system, bid, check in in a way that we had never done before (BTW it took six entries just to let them know you were there), try to trade, pull up staffing reports, fill out a computer entry for every measly dollar of liquor sold and if we didn't do it right, we got called on the carpet. Everyone was so afraid to make a mistake.
When I look back on that experience, I have to say that commuting to STL and doing it "THE AMERICAN WAY" was one of the most miserable experiences of my life.
But I had put in 33 years at TWA and I wanted to continue flying.
It's the terrific TWA people that I miss the most. As everyone in the business knows, we live all over the place, so flying together was when we saw dear friends we had know for years. And each time we just picked up where we left off last. We knew each other when we were single and just starting out. We knew each others boyfriends, then husbands, and each new child born. We watched each others kids grow up, go to college and get married.
Here in NJ there is a group or two of us that get together for lunch about every three months. It's always great to see everyone, but it's not the same as jump seat therapy. I don't see my friends who live in Fl, or MN, or Boston, or West Palm any more and I miss them terribly.
Every month people are retireing. I didn't even get to say good bye and good luck. Some retired because they had reached the right age, but some have HAD to retire to keep their medical coverage. That's pretty pathetic when you think about it. All those years put into a career, and many are shut out with nothing. And very soon the junior furloughed people will fall off the recall list. If things go AA and APFA's way there are so many good people I will never have the chance to fly with again.
Some people got pass privileges for about a year after they were first furloughed. I didn't even get that BECAUSE I had torn a ligament in my knee on a flight and was off on an industrial. THAT disqualified me for ANY passes. I was punished because I got hurt.
No one got furlough pay thanks to the devious dealings of that miserable group APFA that call themselves a union.
Yeah, Yeah, we hear it's just a group of junior people who are running the "union". I want to know how the rest of the membership with seniority similar to ours can turn a blind eye to what a group in power is doing to professionals who are in the same "union"; US from TWA? It's a disgrace. They are self centered, selfish, mean spirited, hateful, spoiled, and live in a little world of their own.
That is the kind of people American Airlines has working their flights and serving you the flying public.
Years ago I flew to Tokyo on AA. I stepped into the galley after the service to say Hi and have a chat with the crew. They just turned their noses up at me. I left embarrassed that I had "interrupted" them. They are the only airline I have ever flown who treated me like that. I remember that their service was cold and sterile.
When I heard we would be working for them my heart sank. I knew they were not the professionals we were.
Over the years I have served foreign dignitaries, middle eastern princesses, the mother of one of our Presidents, rock stars, and movie stars, sheiks, and millionairs. And I also served Russian immegrants, muslims going to Haj, Viet Namese citizens leaving everything they had ever know behind. And I treated them all with respect and courtesy.
I comforted people on their way to funerals, I talked to little kids saying good-bye to Mommie to go see Daddy. We would let them serve the mints or pass out the peanuts. I talked to priests; and soldiers who were not dry behind the ears yet going overseas to fight in another battle. I helped people in pain. I took care of a man having a heart attack.
And when we got to Rome or Frankfurt or London, we were treated with respect by all our ground staff, and we made friends all over the world. Shop owners in Paris knew us by name. We had our favorite restaurant in Athens, and Bunratty Castle in Ireland.
We wore designer uniforms. We were a class act. We did a first class service with caviar, squab, and lobster. We served Dom Perignon and carved Chateau Brian at the passangers seat. White gloves and white linens. Real crystal and china.
It was a wonderful job with wonderful people. And............I miss it terribly.
How did it come to this?.......
I thought this crap only happens in a dream, not in the real world.
Loretta said...
I can't believe this can happen in this day and age. There must be a way to correct this injustice?
HO HUM, what bunch of wasted energy, you all need to be working on resumes and job applications, and stop whining about what isnt and what will never be. your not the 1st work group that has been cast aside. Other jobs were much more important than a waitress/waiter in the sky.So build a bridge and get over it, and hey move on with your lifes, hell you only have one!
and your job is?
I usually can let things slide, but HO HUM blogger, if you 're going to be rude and insensitive, please at least use good grammar to make your point. It's you're, not your, and it is lives, not lifes. Is there such a word? You're certainly entitled to your opinion but please respect that many people are having a hard time with what has happened. I'm glad that you are so unaffected by what life has thrown at you.
HO HUM, what bunch of wasted energy, you all need to be working on resumes and job applications, and stop whining about what isnt and what will never be. your not the 1st work group that has been cast aside. Other jobs were much more important than a waitress/waiter in the sky.So build a bridge and get over it, and hey move on with your lifes, hell you only have one!
To Ho Hum:
You sound like a junior nAAtive who is frightened of any TWer ever stepping foot on AA property. In fact, you sound so threatened by TWA that you would like for us to 'move on'.
If you were intelligent, or have been reading any history about the TWA f/a's , you would know that TWAers made history for ALL the Industry standards for flight attendants.
That said, you would also realize that your current union, the APFA , is lacking in gaining anything of value for the f/a's. Letters of Agreement are making you work longer and harder while staving off recalls.
Ho Hum, while I welcome your thoughts you have alot to learn ..It is unfortunate that some junior AA f/a's have made TWA their adversaries........we have ALOT of knowledge to share thru our history which could benefit you . I would suggest you rethink your post and do a bit of research. If you are smart, you will realize the TWAers experience in contract negotiations .......Trust me , we have been there and want to share energy to benefit all AAers-which we former TWAers are a part of now.
APFA is not listening, recalls would benefit all involved. These side letters of Agreement are certainly not to the AA flight attendant benefit. WISE UP....!!
To the Ho Hum blogger who said:
"your not the 1st work group that has been cast aside."
Excuse me, 'but any work group cast aside' must have not stepped into your personal world! You should be so lucky as to not have your career ripped out from under you. You had better pay attention to what happens in any future merger/acquisitions because you could be next on the 'carving board." APFA isnt going to protect you.........you have alot to worry about 'little grasshopper' and alot to learn.
I suggest you do some research before making judgements to those TWAers who have lost their jobs due to AA/APFA colusion.
Sorry, I cant help but post to the statement from an AA F/A who says:
"Other jobs were much more important than a waitress/waiter in the sky."
I have to say that a flight attendant's job description goes way beyond 'waitress or waiter in the sky.' In my 33 years of flying, I have seen flight attendants go above and beyond in dealing with situations onboard that no one would want to encounter. I have seen medical emergencies, mental patients, eccentrics, and crews seem to have been trained to handle it all. In my experience at TWA as a passenger, as a frequent flyer, the seasoned crews and even the more junior were trained in handling many situations. In all cases, they performed beautifully and when asked for assitance, I always assisted as a medical professional. I learned about this blog 2 days ago, and it brought back alot of memories of TWA flights to many European destinations that my wife and I enjoyed. They are memories, and I want to thank those TWA employees for their grand first class service that we were so fortunate to recieve. Thank you, TWA and I hope you can continue the great service you provided to us-Ill never forget you. It is unfortunate that AA is not recognising TWA in wanting to resume their careers.
The end of the most recent APFA Hotline msg reads:
We have 3,882 APFA members on furlough. Of those 3,882 Flight Attendants, more than 1,100 including original AA F/As and former TWA F/As – all APFA members – are scheduled to fall off the American Airlines F/A Seniority List in October of this year due to the five-year language in Article 16. APFA received notice that American Airlines will be mailing letters to these more than 1,100 Flight Attendants shortly. With the equipment and route cuts resulting in Leave of Absence proffers beginning this September and through the remainder of the year, AA has informed us that they do not intend to recall more of our members in the foreseeable future. Please keep all of our furloughed members in your thoughts as well as our ten members serving full time in the military.
Sounds like APFA 'lipservice' to me. A real union would be fighting to protect the jobs of those furloughees who are soon to fall off the recall list. APFA acknowledges that AA will be sending letters out to 1,100 furloughees who will be essentiallly fired from any chance of resuming their flight attendant career............WHAT IS APFA DOING ABOUT IT? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Amen and the ho hum blogger can KISS my furloughed ASS!
What an ignorant asshole. Must be Jay Narey!
Thanks APFA for putting your statement in print about AA getting ready to send out letters to the first group to fall off the recall list. This will be added as proof that APFA has done nothing to help out the ex-TWA group. How do they say it in Texas, See Ya al in court!
Could this be another DFR (Duty of Fair Representation) case against APFA?
AFPA has shown no REAL PROOF in negotiating extended recall rights for the TWAers. APFA is fully aware that AA is ready to send letters out ex TWA/APFA members acknowledging their FIRING from American Airlines employment. APFA chooses to ignore this and must be held accountable! I figure with the lawsuits against them, and those in the works, that they will be bankrupt before long.....Karma.
The APFA website lists 2 phone numbers for furloughees to call regarding recall-If you call them, it is apparent that NOTHING is being done outside of simple 'lipservice' to those 1,100 AA/former TWA flight attendants whose 5 year recall rights will expire in October 2006. Here are the telephone numbers to hear the tape by APFA regarding recalls. It is obvious that APFA remains a COMPANY UNION without regard for the membership!
American Airlines Flight Service Furlough Hotline: 1-800-JetNews or 817-963-8122
APFA would like nothing more than for the TWAers to move on. Here is another excerpt from their website:
If you are living in an area away from a base city or if you are a STL Flight Attendant, please feel free to call any of our Furlough Reps or the APFA Contract Desk at APFA Headquarters at 800-395-2732, extension 8171. Some other airlines in the industry are hiring new employees including Flight Attendants. If you are on furlough and are considering employment with another airline, please be advised that they may require you to resign your recall rights with American Airlines prior to offering you full employment with their company. If you do resign your recall rights with American and you decide to reemployment in the future, you will be required to go through the interview and training process.
As posted above, it is blatant that APFA would like for the exTWA/AA f/a's to disappear. APFA calls themselves a "union?" Go Figure!
Yes, this will be another suit against APFA. Please be sure to send Tommie a Thank You card for making this a easy win for us!
TWA f/a's vote put Tommie in office, and yet she as turned her back on ex-twa f/as. Tommie, maybe you should contact your attorney. Your going to need a Good One!
From everything that has been posted maybe your TWA group should be contacting the other Airline Unions.
To my knowledge, Tommie Hutto Blake has not addressed the TWA/recall issue head ON-verbally or otherwise! as would be expected from a Union President. Although TWAers have sent numerous emails and made endless phone calls-they have all been ignored. Former TWA/APFA members on-going appeals for information sent directly to APFA have NOT BEEN ADDRESSED. Have THuttoBlake/APFA/AA attys directed THB & others to keep their mouths shut?
The APFA Hotline message sounds like a broken record for months now-
APFA-Dont tell me what you can't do because AA has you under their thumb and you accept NO as answer!-Tell me WHAT YOU WILL DO to extend recall rights for TWAers!
I, for one, am tired of your stagnant rhetoric! It is time for APFA to act like a union-NOT a sorority or club! Step up to the plate and make a difference or STEP TO THE SIDE!
I cannot belive that an educated person would write a comment like the "HO-Hum blogger did. This is not just about TWA flight attendants, this is about the destruction of the American workforce by corporations AND unions. If the public allows one group (no matter how insignificant it thinks this group is) lose a carreer that it has worked at for over 20 years and lose all of the benefits that were promised, it is only the beginning of societal destruction.
my letter to APFA regarding Leslie's Mayo's non-chalance in reporting the expiration on 1100 recall rights:
Leslie Mayo’s APFA August 9th hotline is a slap in the face to all furloughed employees. Her casual reference to those 1000+ flight attendants who will be dropping off the seniority list this September, without any mention of an attempt to demand an extension of recall rights, speaks loud the desire of APFA to eliminate the TWA flight attendant workforce.
APFA is directly responsible for the destruction of 4200 flight attendant jobs. While many of the you were not part of the administration that allowed American Airlines to eliminate the higher-paid TWA jobs, your continued lack of effort to obtain extended recall rights makes you an equal party to the crime.
There has obviously been a “gentlemen’s agreement” between Tommie Hutto-Blake and management, no doubt a promise that money saved by shutting-out the TWA flight attendants will offset any future contractual concessions. Tragically for the surviving flight attendants at American Airlines, APFA’s lack of concern for the TWA attendants has been interpreted as a lack of respect for its’ own profession. American management has taken note, and the rank and file will suffer.
And to the poster who suggested that we write to other airline unions, IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.
I may never fly for AA again, but I will spend the rest of my life working to discredit the people responsible for that.
I read a previous TWA entry which needs to be reinterated -
"APFA is directly responsible for the destruction of 4200 flight attendant jobs. While many of the you were not part of the administration that allowed American Airlines to eliminate the higher-paid TWA jobs, your continued lack of effort to obtain extended recall rights makes you an equal party to the crime."
Tommie Hutto Blake is held accountable NOW for her actions in gaining recall rights for former TWAers.
John Ward, former APFA Pres aligned with Carty during the aquisition of TWA was obvious in his colusion and actions towards the TWAers. 'Staple TWA' was the mantra...
Tommie Hutto Blake has alot of work to do in recognising her responsibility as a UNION PRESIDENT. It is apparent that THB doesnt speak outside of the office-the SKYWORD publication is a farce.
I intended to write to Skyword to submit an opinion and I had 300+ words to submit........
Here is the SKyword rules in submitting opinions....What a joke!
Quote (small print/reading glasses required!):
Letters to the Editor may not be considered if they exceed 100 words-Submissions will not be considered if they are libelous, defamatory, non factual, contractually incorrect, or in poor taste, or too lengthy.
OK-Ill abide by the rules and not expect to be published in the SKYWORD. That said, I would expect for you to answer the emails/phone calls you have recieved by TWAer's in the past week. Now, what is your next excuse for ignoring the TWAers? !!
My dear fellow furloughee:
As I was twice, with AA. I think there are those of us out there that understand... hate to post. So, afraid to give you new meat to beat us up.
I understand but, had different completely circumstances. When I was furloughed in the 80's ... twice ... there wasn't a computer community. We left, went on to new lives and didn't ever expect to be called back. We didn't get furlough pay, we didn't get to vote in elections. If we didn't pay dues, we didn't vote. We walked away, we were sad and sorry, but, didn't look back.
We didn't whine about passes, didn't know we had a right. I almost believe all the entitlement you feel you should receive has hurt you and not helped you.
I have my own issues with this Union, trust me. I'm sorry you've all taken such a negative path and trust me, it won't change anything.
We all wish you were back. Do you think we like this stagnant work pace/work force.
Again, we didn't get passes. Didn't get furlough pay. Didn't get to vote in Union elections. Just an FYI, did you guys know?
I realize the retirement issue is a concern, mine's not a sealed deal at this point,either. So, that's a push.
Sorry for us all,
We believe that as a union member, we should have the right to be represented as an equal. The same as you. The union told me that they are to save as many jobs as possible, not each and every member. You are in the majority that the Union is focusing on, not us. You receive a paycheck, not us. We payed union dues to this Union that only represents whats best for the majority of its members, not everyone. I only hope that you are never put in this position.
Thank you,
I appreciate you not wanting me to ever be put in this position. I wish this on no one. Not you, not me, not your friends, not mine. It's bigger than us.
So, was that an encouragement for us to post or not?! Do you want to hear from us and information we can provide. Or do you want to just diss us because we ended up with an Airline that happen to hire us at the right time in our life. Hate us for that? I and many, understand we were lucky.
I interviewed with Braniff, Con't, United, everyone you could think of at this point I would be put out of a job.
We are not, all, against you.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be represented. Far from it. You should.
I, appreciate the fact, you hope I'm never found in this situation. I hope so, also. I wish for the betterment of this group. Not, the detriment.
I, just was trying to provide some information I didn't think this group was aware what other of us walked away with as furloughees.
We got a One Way Ticket Home.
Thank You for posting. We would love to hear from you. My sister is a AA f/a. I do understand both sides. I just wished that we all could work together as one group.
Maybe some day. Thanks Again for posting your views. Most of us on this side really are a nice group of F/A. Most of us had a great time working together as well as enjoying our layovers. Maybe some day we all will have the chance to work together. Until then, take care. Karen 688077
Thank you,
that was appreciated.
So much is out of our hands, yet we treat each other like it is.
Bless, you
The APFA doesn't seem to know the difference between
a "click" and a "union".
It was recently stated that extending recall rights was not a top priority with the union because it is not an issue with the majority that is still working.
I ask that anyone who is currently working to take a few minutes to write or call APFA and let them know that this is an issue you feel needs to be addressed. That you would like to see everyone have the opportunity to eventually return to their jobs. Without your help from the inside it's apparent the union has no interest whatsoever in helping us.
Please ask you friends and co-workers to take a few minutes to let the union know they are wrong, that the majority does take issue with this injustice.
I for one would greatly appreciate the gesture.
Twacrew- I tried going to your site and it requested that I sign up. That's OK - it IS your site. But why do you need my birthday, my address and so on. I finally got tired of filling out your form and just quit. Good luck, but your form is way to invasive for me.
To the above poster who recieved the one way ticket home during a reduction in force during the 80's...
Hi. I don't think, or see the "sameness" of these situations. I was furloughed from TWA during the gulf war, and recieved my one way ticket. But the difference is that the AA furlough pay was part of APFA contract language that AA did NOT request alterations to during the restructuring agreement. The APFA "offered" this change to the company. Many people from AA management caught and held their breath at the FACT that canceling furlough pay was directed at the TWA folks. The furloughed AA F/A DID recieve their furlough pay.
There are two sides to every story, and there are stories that we both should share.
Did you know...
A pilot with 25 years at TWA, a former AA pilot, who thankfully held on to his AA letter of recommendation to TWA, was met mid trip on the first day of the merger to be informed that his services would no longer be require. AA management said that he had not fulfilled his 2 weeks notice of leaving and that his former paperwork stated "not eligiable for re-hire". I personally watched this occur in front of passengers and crew. I watched a man's face, a friend, feeling the sense of loss of his retirement, and his career, mortified as he was pulled off his trip. (thank god he kept the AA letter that stated "eligiable for re-hire, excused from duty")This happened to hundreds of people system wide at TWA.
Did you know...
An AA memo was sent to us stating that security would be on the property at STL to escort us through the processing out proceedure. AA would not tolerate any show of emotion or talking from the TWA furloughed F/A's.
Did you know...
There are so many "did you knows..."
Just want to share this with you...
I met some wonderful AA people. I flew with a few crews that were DH-ing and they showed me concern and compassion. I remember an AA pilot approaching me and saying "your so good at your job, what will you do?" I remember saying that I would land on feet. As it turns out I land in my seat - on a Gulfstream private aircraft.
I, my choice, would not reply to an AA recall. Life is too short for me to deal with all that. I have watched your job change so much...and I am sorry for you. I am staying on the private side where I have a name, I'm not just a number.(Okay, the pay is excellent). I hope the commercial industry improves, and those improvements can be shared with your workforce. I wish that the APFA could accept their fellow TWA work group and make it possible for recalls.
I wish you well, and travel safely.
Still not much mention of the whole 9/11 side of this arguement,...
The public will take to this more than a union screw job,...
APFA blames 9/11 for our lay-offs and the downsizing of A/A,...
By not extending our recall rights we will be permanent victims of 9/11.
Another victory for the terrorist.
Read my bolg at
I can remember that I was on a Milan layover when we got the word that AA had bought TWA. It would make AA the largest airline!
I foolishly thouht this would be good for us. We had gone through so much- Icahn, the 1986 strke, numerous paycuts.
It saddens me to think that 1100 people will be history in October. We were never treated fairly! Herded to St.Louis and fenced but able to keep our seniority in St. Louis. If we had our seniority if we stayed in STL, Why were we furloughed? AA had to force junior people to be STL based. We got kicked to the curb!!! AA management promising to treat us fairly and APFA collaberating to do us in. What a team- what a union!!
Thanks for this BLOG.. it is great to see everyones ideas and coments. I just have realized that AA is enjoying this "union" ,or club, selling out all the flight attendants at aa. You will see other job changes at aa. They are getting concesions from the so called union by hanging the TWA 'carrot' in front of them. When aa wants to get some concesions they only have to say "agree to this or we will bring back the TWA group" and they 'bend over'. So I don't think we will see any recalls, not while aa still has more to get back from the f/a's. I do feel sorry for many of the good ones that are flying. Their job will only get worse. The aa mgmt. team has the upper hand. "The TWA carrot". Wait until more cut-backs and pensions are needed. apfa WILL give in just to not see one TWA f/a back on the line. I believe in Karma... and little by little they are feeling it and will be getting worse.
all aa fa's will burn in Hades for the injustice perpetrated against the quality TWA employess on the street.
Now that's a little harsh, lol. But they are living their own private hells with 6,7,8 hr. layovers, understaffing, 3,4,5 leg days, 3 on 3 off reserve, chosen or forced commuting, 80 percent load factors, no empty jump seat three, four flights in a row (therefore calling in sick and dealing with those ramifications) weather delays, mechanicals, terriost crap, the fear of terriost crap ending badly and getting paid way less than they should for it all. Unless they are super senior of course-those guys have earned the right to have it a little easier. Are the juniors happy? Who knows? A lot of them don't know what it was like once. Before it became Greyhound in the sky. Flip flops and ass cracks. Hmm...8 hours in Dayton? 24 in Paris. Hmmm... Let me see, hmmm... TWA had fricking cross utilization! We went out on strike in "86 partially because we were convinced we had to fear cross utilization along with other important things. But in the end CU became heaven for us. The "boogey man" was that is was going to cost jobs. I don't remember that it did. And it was a huge savings to the company-which we all wanted to survive. Although we never saw any of that savings in our paychecks. Maybe we did see it in work rules. TWA trip trading RULED!!!! Although we had always been creative, when our union negotiated unlimited trip trades our lives became our own. I wonder if any carrier has been smart enough to implement anything like the trading policy we had. A dream if you were willing to get up at 5AM. And who wasn't. All you needed was a mug of coffee. Home computers!!!!We all learned how to use a computer!!!
No matter seniority- we have all paid our dues, some more than others given the years of "devotion" to this career. What were we thinking? Were we on the wrong track? I don't think so. I had a hell of a good time. It didn't end with a gold watch and a pension to set me up in Fla. for life (I actually hate Florida, sorry guys who love it- way too many turns and cheap stinky layover hotels as memories for me). But the good memories will always be there. No one can take that away, uh...I hope. Best wishes to all who continue to pursue being a "sky waitress" (c'mon you know who you are). You never know what tomorrow might surprise you with.
I'm ready for tomorrow, bring it on! Tomorrow will be a great day for all TWA f/as
I wish something good would happen for us finally but no one seems to care. Most or all of the AA flight attendants are clueless as long as their jobs are intact. The 500 or so naative furloughees are going to be sacrificed along with all of us TWA people.
If this happened due to 911, a terroist act, why is there no protection for the 4000 AA flight attendants who are out of work and about to start dropping off the 5 year recall list?
It's amazing to me that most if not all the other airlines have recalled their people and are even hiring!!!! SO VERY SAD!!!!!
all aa fa's will burn in Hades for the injustice perpetrated against the quality TWA employess on the street.
^^^^Dramatic,aren't we???
Jay Narey's (active AA flight attendant) letter to Gerald Arpey:
Sept. 11, 2006
I have contacted my Base Chairs, the
APFA Executive Committee and now Mr. Arpey
regarding the recall extension....
I urge all of you to do likewise.
Your future and the future direction of our
Union is at stake:
Dear Mr. Arpey,
I am writing to you to express a position that
I believe the ' majority ' of APFA members hold.
While I can only speak for myself,
I would like to express that we have NO DESIRE WHATSOEVER
to see recall rights for furloughed members extended beyond 5 years,
REGARDLESS of what our Union Leadership is saying to you.
AMR is not in a financial position to employ everyone that we would
like to employ...particularly employees who, if recalled, would be
coming back at the top of our pay scale and with exorbitant medical
insurance costs.
While I am truly empathetic to the plight of the former TWA
employees,none of us could have foreseen the tragic decimation of
our industry following 9/11 which resulted in these furloughs.
Furthermore, I would like to applaud your efforts to preserve the
promised pensions on our property and believe that in order for us
to truly "pull together in order to win together" that we need a
cohesive work group...and I don't believe that is possible if the
TWA employees are kept on property.
Animosity will continue unabated and morale will deteriorate even
further than it has deteriorated following the Restructuring
Participation Agreement ratifications.That is something that
American Airlines can ill afford going forward.
You are a busy man, and I'm sure you yearn for brevity as I do.
Therefore I just wanted to convey to you my desire that there be NO
EXTENSION in recall rights period. While this position may not be
that of our Union Leaders, I can assure you it IS the position of
the majority of "rank and file" flight attendants.
Jay Narey
Operational Council Representative
Dallas-Fort Worth International
what a fucking worm. naatives should be proud to have such a wonderful representative.
Jay, Thank You for posting that statement, and signing ocr. You just gave the TWA what they needed for their lawsuit.
This letter was posted on our TWA/AA site from one of our first to receive the letter from AA saying her recalls rights had come to an end severing her rights to her employment with AA-It breaks my heart:
Well, it finally happened. For the past 5 years I always knew that the chances of getting recalled were very slim (I'm 7th from the bottom of the TWA recall list). Well, it's official, I got my letter from AA yesterday stating that my recall rights were ending on 10/1/2006. Even though I always knew I wouldn't get called back I was a little sad to actually get the letter stating what I had always known would happen. I was with TWA a very short time, but the time I spent with some of you on my flight attendant adventure will always mean so much to me. I'll never forget my 6 short months spent with so many wonderful TWA people.
APFA & AA-Are you listening?
2:20 PM
Anonymous said...
The number of F/A's furloughed on October 1st 2001 were 875. Of these
97 were AAers.....the rest former TWAers. The number of F/As
furloughed October 7th, 2001 was 290. By Octobet 7th, 2006, 1,165 F/As
will have lost their recall rights.
They will all have received the letter from AA severing their rights to employment-ALL 1,165 people will recieve this letter from American Airlines. ANd there are more to come until the former TWAers are 'out of the picture.'
Sad, yet revealing.....
In response to this weeks APFA Commucication:
APFA is extremely disappointed to announce that on Sunday, October 1st, 867 American Airlines Flight Attendants will be removed from the System seniority list due to the five-year recall language in Article 16. On October 7th, 289 more of our members will be removed from that list after having been out on furlough since October of 2001. This is the first time in the history of APFA or American Airlines for that matter, that we have seen furloughs hit the five year mark which is the industry standard in the majority of FA Contracts. To date, the Company is not willing to discuss the provisions of extending recall rights outside of opening up our entire contract and subjecting all our members to even more concessions. APFA continues to seek a solution for extending recall rights for all our members outside of section 6 contract negotiations – negotiations that are not scheduled to commence until and in accordance with the amendable date of 2008. AA has given APFA no indication of recalls in the foreseeable future.
Dear Leslie,
The industry standard of a 5 year recall HAS been extended at other airlines due to the events of 911.
I implore you to continue trying to find a solution to this tragedy. How can AA let this happen and have no fear of loosing face with the industry and the public to say nothing of being down right cold hearted? These are NOT normal circumstances.
Regards and Regrets,
Gretchen Studier
I am trying my best to make this story public. I have attended events for Not In Our Name. It is a group that wants to right the wrongs and promotes legislation to assist people. If you care to send them your thoughts on the TWA situation, the website is notinourname.net.
Then you can get the contact list.
In 2001 American Airlines' CEO, Don Carty, testified and promised before Congress that the TWA employees would be given "fair and equitable treatment."
But the TWA flight attendants were all put at the bottom of the AA seniority list. By July 2, 2003 the last of the former TWA flight attendants were laid off.
AA laid off the first group on
October 1, 2001, stating that 9/11 was the reason. Now five years have passed, and that same group is the first to "fall off" the recall list. These people will not be offered re-employment with AA at any time in the future.
How UN-American is that?
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